Page 29 - AAA JANUARY- FEBRUARY 2013 Online Magazine
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        opportunity to maximise cash flow in
        those important early phases.            Singapore has been a hub for a long
           With a comprehensive double tax   time now, but the foresight of the Economic
        avoidance agreement (better known as   Development Board is seeing them not only
        DTA) network that spans 67 countries,
        Singapore means no double-whammy  maintain but strengthen and grow Singapore’s
        excises on lease arrangements for many   place as the centre of the Asian aviation sector
        other jurisdictions. It also offers a highly
        competitive corporate tax rate of 17%,
        which  makes  it  the  perfect  location  for   – Tony Jones, COO, Asia, Hawker Pacific
        aircraft and engine leasing companies
        looking to tap into the expanding Asia
        Pacific market.
           All of the top 10 leasing companies
        in the world have offices in Singapore.   according to the EDB, with options from   partnering with ATTC to deliver the WSQ
        These include Aviation Capital Group,   major players such as Boeing, Eurocopter   Maintain Composites Structures course
        with a fleet of over 240 aircraft consisting   and Lufthansa all adding to the capacity   module to address the industry’s future
        of primarily Airbus  A320s and Boeing   for  world-class  education  in  a  variety  of   composite aerostructures skills needs.
        737s. Since 2010, the Singapore office   specialist fields.                For rotary trainees, Eurocopter’s very
        has been actively expanding and booking   The clustering of operations and   first full-flight simulator for the Dauphin
        assets to support its business in the Asia   businesses at Seletar’s new Aerospace   AS365 N3/N3+ helicopter is now running
        Pacific.  Furthermore,  BOC  Aviation,  the   Park provides economies of scale and   courses for Southeast Asian pilots at
        largest aircraft leasing company in Asia,   an efficient value chain, with plenty of   Seletar. Lufthansa Technical Training
        has been servicing clients across the   scope for new industry collaborations   (LTT)  has  partnered  with  Temasek
        region since 1993.                  through the park’s shared infrastructure,   Polytechnic to jointly  offer  a diploma
           Singapore is also looking ahead to   and the close proximity of suppliers,   course for Licenced Aircraft Engineers
        expand its long-term capacity. The Changi   customers and partners within a tightly   (LAEs), also at Seletar, and Fokker
        2036 Steering Committee is developing a   knit aerospace business community.   Services Asia is establishing a new
        concept plan for the development of the   An integrated aerospace park, it is   Asia Pacific services facility, to provide
        country’s Changi International Airport.   dedicated to hosting existing and future   integrated support for regional aircraft
        This will see its first consultation-based   activities, including MRO of aircraft and   platforms. Its new hangar will be about
        planning document being shared with   components, FBO, manufacturing  and   1.5 times larger than existing facilities.
        key industry players next year, and more   assembly of aircraft engines, business   LTT also provides basic and aircraft type
        detailed plans in coming years.     and general aviation, pilot and mechanic   maintenance training for aerospace
           In terms of training, Singapore has   training, and aviation R&D.    technicians and engineers. Not far away,
        also committed significant resources   The        government-sponsored  the Boeing Flight Services training
        to extending the development of its   Workforce Development Agency (WDA)   campus near Changi airport offers pilot
        talent base to meet upcoming demand.   is also pushing the aerospace wagon.   training for the company’s latest 787 and
        Aerospace courses and specialisations   Looking ahead to the next generation   777 aircraft, plus a range of other types
        offered at local technical and tertiary   of aircraft that will increasingly use   from other makers.
        institutes  remain  “highly  popular”  lighter composite materials, the WDA is   Overall, there is no doubt Singapore
                                                                                offers a  significant  advantage in  terms
                                                                                of skills, facilities and infrastructure for
           CuRRENCy ACCOuNT                                                     companies in the aviation and aerospace
           The global economic downturn has been good news for customers looking   industries. All that remains to be done
           for a great deal – but at the same time, has negatively impacted Singaporean   now is capitalise on it. As Minister Teo
           aerospace companies. The 12.4% depreciation of the uS dollar against   notes, the long term outlook for the
           the Singapore dollar over the last two years has meant that significant   industry remains positive.
           productivity improvements were required in order for operators to maintain   “Asia-Pacific  anticipates  strong
           profitability. At present, the influence of factors such as foreign currency   growth,” she asserts. “Asia-Pacific’s fleet
           changes continues to tighten the screws on margins and makes productivity
           a pressing issue, but companies such as Singapore Aero Engine Services   size is anticipated to triple from 4,710
           Private Limited, which is usually known as SAESL, have boosted productivity   airplanes in 2011 to 13,670 airplanes in
           by up to 25% to compensate.                                          2031.” Just a percentage of those would
                                                                                make Singapore companies smile.
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