Page 24 - AAA JANUARY- FEBRUARY 2013 Online Magazine
P. 24


                                                                                     Plans are in
                                                                                place to build a new
                                                                                terminal capable
                                                                                of handling 2,500
                                                                                passengers per hour,
                                                                                that will provide some
                                                                                relief, but we need
                                                                                to think strategically
                                                                                and beyond that to
                                                                                ensure the economic
                                                                                opportunities are
                                                                                not artificially
                                                                                constrained by a lack
                                                                                of infrastructure

                                                                                – Tony Tyler, Director
                                                                                General and CEO of IATA

                                            (AOCs) and certificates of airworthiness   compliance in certification requirements
                                            [in Kazakhstan]”. The ICAO also found   “as well as violations affecting the
                                            that the Civil Aviation Committee (CAC)   flight  safety and shortcomings in flight
                                            was lacking in qualified and trained   organisation,” according to the Ministry of
                                            inspectorate staff. As such, one of ICAO’s   Transport and Communications.
                                            recommendations was that “Kazakhstan   Beken Seidakhmetov, Chairman of the
                                            implement  measures  necessary  to  CAC, Kazakh Ministry of Transport and
                                            enhance the ability of its civil aviation   Communications said, “We have signed an
                                            authority  to recruit  and retain qualified   agreement with the engineering office of
                                            and experienced inspectorate staff.”  the ICAO on technical aid to the aviation
                                               Plans are on hand to get the house   administration. In the near future, they will
                                            in order. Vice-Minister of Transport and   send us specialists, who will be providing
                                            Communications Azat Bekturov explained   us aid, training and giving advises over the
                                            that to ensure flight safety, operation of   course of one year.”
        TOP: Almaty International           aircraft that do not meet ICAO standards   Meanwhile, as plans move to improve
        Airport is the country’s largest
        international airport, and          will be prohibited starting November 1,   infrastructure, Air Astana will soon take
        accounts for around half of its     2012. This will result in the grounding of   delivery of six Airbus A320s and two
        passenger traffic                   over 20 AN-24s and Yakov-40 Soviet era   Embraer 190s. (At press time, at least
        ABOVE: Air Astana has ordered       aircraft. Kazakhstan airlines own 112   two Airbus A321s had already been
        several 787s and 767s from          aircraft, including 60 Western-made and 52   delivered.) Services to Hong Kong have
        Boeing to service new routes to     Soviet-made planes. One carrier, Phoenix   been launched, in addition to a new route
        European countries                  Air, was suspended by the CAC for non-  to Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City.
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