Page 25 - AAA JANUARY- FEBRUARY 2013 Online Magazine
P. 25


        Singapore Stakes

        a Claim

        Starting with small airport capability based on old                     SINCE  1990,  SINgAPORE’S  AEROSPACE
        British military bases, Singapore has expanded                          industry has grown at a compounded
        and consolidated to become the region’s aviation                        annual growth rate of over 10% to
                                                                                become what the Singapore Economic
        powerhouse – in only a few decades. We look at what                     Development Board (EDB) calls “the most
        makes the island such an attractive location, and why                   comprehensive MRO hub in Asia.” In 2011,
                                                                                the aviation industry in Singapore achieved
        companies are using it as a technical springboard into                  an output of over S$7.9 billion (US$6.4
        Southeast Asia’s aviation market. By Jeremy Torr                        billion), and employed over 19,000 workers
                                                                                across a range of industries, from MRO and
                                                                                training to service provision, infrastructure
                                                                                provision, and parts provisioning.
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                             JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2013  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  25
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