Page 28 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2013 Online Magazine
P. 28

FeATure Mro JoinT venTures

        JV Joy

        One significant aspect of MRO development in Asia is the rise and rise of JV operations.
        Existing major players from the West tie up with an existing local company, supply their
        extensive expertise and scale, then take advantage of lower operating costs. But does
        it work? Can local operators to extend their capability as required by international
        standards? Different management, working and certification requirements demand
        new approaches at all levels. Asian Airlines & Airports finds out how the successful
        players come up with the right mix.

        “AsiA  is  no  Longer  A  MArKeT  For   “Chinese MRO providers [have to] …   Even though the foreign companies
        overseas MROs alone,” says Adrien   set international vision and professional   will already have great depth of expertise,
        Moreau, AFI KLM E&M sales director for   management concepts, build up an   an excellent brand and solid market
        North East Asia.  “Since more and more   MRO brand image, enhance marketing   penetration, it is still worth looking at JVs
        [MRO] capabilities are being established   and  create  a  fair  and  honest  business   with other locally established names, says
        locally, if any foreign MRO wants to remain   environment,” notes Zhu Xiao, Executive   Andrew  Herdman, DG  at  the Association
        in this market, they have to come to Asia   Director, Sales & Supply at Ameco Beijing.  of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA). “Rising
        to set up their foothold locally.”  All this takes time and a certain cultural   economies of scale in the MRO business
           But simply arriving at a transport   adaptation; something that is hard to cost   have led to some consolidation in the
        hub, importing a few foreign-trained   in to a spreadsheet but that is essential if   sector, [with] the proliferation of joint-
        engineers and investing in tooling is   the JV is to flourish.          venture activities, often involving OEMs as
        not enough. Language competence in     Ameco Beijing has a good track   key strategic partners,” he says.
        complex technical issues is a must. Many   record so far; established in 1989 as a   Indeed,  it’s  not  just  minor players
        countries demand that any new venture   Lufthansa/Air  China  JV,  the  company   seeking local advantage from strategic
        be shared with local providers. Staffing   services operators like Nok Air, MEGA  JVs. Such big names as Singapore
        must  include locally  sourced  personnel.  Maldives Airlines, Business Air, Southern   Airlines and Rolls-Royce are seeing
        Any  certification  must  be  approved  by   Air, ACT Airlines and T’way Air as well as   the advantage and snuggling into bed
        local standards bodies – sometimes with   a long list of airlines from North America,  together across Asia. The two companies
        relatively impenetrable procedures and   Europe, Russia/CIS, and the Asia Pacific   have signed an MoU to develop and
        requirements for a non-native speaker.  area. Zhu says the JV’s success is not just   integrate engine MRO, and to “establish
        Setting up an MRO from scratch in Asia is   due to its expertise alone, but has a strong   an integrated and embedded service
        not a straightforward process.      resonance because of its established   provision … to provide on-wing care for
           “There are big challenges from the   ability to work with other operations in  Trent 800 and 900 engines and in future,
        competition of local MROs,” adds Moreau.  the region – a kind of JV’s JV, if you like.  Trent 1000 and XWB engines.”
        “Only by  offering customised services,   “At the same time, we are looking   The new JV with Singapore Airlines
        adaptiveness,  competitive  pricing  and   for [further] cooperation opportunities   Engineering  Company  (SIAEC)  and  Hong
        a strategy to continuously develop new   among companies and industries by   Kong Aero Engine Services Limited
        capabilities  …  will  favour  MRO  success,”  changing focus from marketing into   (HAESL) will see Rolls-Royce making
        he notes. The management at Ameco   resources,” Zhu explains. Keeping up   Singapore a centre for Trent 900 support,
        (Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering   with the JV Jones’s demands constant   and in the future, a centre for Trent 1000
        Corporation) Beijing, one of the more   attention, it seems.            delivery and service support, says the
        successful MRO JVs in China, agrees                                     company in a release.
        that  making  a JV  work requires a  much   ups and downs
        broader focus than just investing in   Although some big names (especially in
        spares and technical skills – especially as   the power plant market) are keen to keep   opposiTe pAge: AMECO
        the Asian region has much less of a track   their brand pure and not dilute it with JVs,   Beijing is one of the most
        record than some other more established   it appears there is a strong argument for   successful examples of
        zones such as Europe or North America.  collaboration across Asia.      JVs set up for MRO
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