Page 25 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2013 Online Magazine
P. 25

FeATure TrAining

                                                                                    Gains have been
                                                                                achieved through
                                                                                close collaboration
                                                                                of everyone
                                                                                including airlines,
                                                                                manufacturers, and
                                                                                MRO providers

                                                                                – Andrew Herdman, director
                                                                                general of the Association of
                                                                                Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA)

                                            improving environment for investment,”  Singapore. “We are pleased to expand our
                                            he  asserts.  Many  of  the  large  carriers   presence  with  this  new  training  facility
                                            are already investing significantly in MRO   focused on the rapidly growing regional
                                            close to their main airports – look at China   carrier market in South East Asia,” says
                                            Airlines and AMECO, China Eastern and   Filippo Bagnato, ATR CEO. Bagnato notes
                                            Rockwell  Collins,  CFM  and  SSAMC  –  to   that  ATR  is  keen  to  promote  its  training
                                            sustain  their  development.  “The  [whole]   in  Asia  –  a  market  where  turboprops
                                            region is moving towards globalisation   are doing well for the EADS company.
                                            and adapting to international standards,”  “Our unwavering commitment to quality
                                            adds Moreau.                        assures our customers of the highest …
                                               Singapore too, even in the more   reliability for their training programs,” he
                                            specialised MRO businesses. As part of   asserts. “The aim is to be always closer to
                                            Eurocopter’s Vision 2020 with emphasis   our customers.”
                                            on growing the Support & Services     The ATR Centre has the capacity to train
                                            business, its Singapore subsidiary will   over 600 pilots and maintenance crew per
                                            serve  as  a  hub  for  the  Asia  Pacific  and   year, with an integrated suite of training
                                            Middle East regions, to provide training,  devices and advanced classroom settings
                                            major inspection and heavy structural   to provide training for multiple ATR aircraft
                                            repairs for various of its helicopters.   platforms. The new facility and its flight
                                               And in the turboprop sector, ATR has   training equipment have been certified by
                                            recently opened a brand-new training   the European Air Standards Authority to
                                            centre at Seletar Aerospace Park in   ensure international compatibility.

                                               TRAIN ARRIVING
                                               Outsourcing of Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) to a third-party service
                                               provider is now emerging as a credible solution for organisations that would like
                                               to offer benefits beyond spend reduction. This can offer savings in the range of
                                               10% to 20%. Consequently, Procurement Outsourcing (PO) contracts with MRO
                                               category in scope show a phenomenal growth of nearly 35% Compound Annual
                                               Growth Rate (CAGR) from 2005 to 2010.
                                               – Corbus Insights, Air Transport Action Group report

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