Page 30 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2013 Online Magazine
P. 30

FeATure Mro JoinT venTures

                                               Given their track records (and a deep   constraints before snipping the red ribbon
                                            knowledge of the value of their brands)   and signing client airlines.
                                            this venture is likely to be a bonus for both   Lufthansa Technik is one of the MRO
                                            companies. But equally likely is that vast   JV pioneers in the region, and has already
                                            amounts of midnight oil has been burned   established four successful joint ventures in
                                            getting the contractual details right and   Asia. These include two in China, one in the
                                            safeguarding the processes and inherent   Philippines and one in Malaysia. Wolfgang
                                            value of the individual members of the JV.   Reinert,  media  director  for  international
                                            It would be fair to say not all other JVs in   relations at Lufthansa Technik AG, says
                                            Asia come with the same guarantee.  forming a JV is a matter of lengthy and
                                              “Regardless of where such work is   careful negotiation before an agreement
                                            carried out, it must adhere to established   can be reached. And that may offer a
                                            international standards to satisfy both   satisfactory solution; not necessarily one
                                            regulators and customer airlines,” says   that exceeds the sum of its parts.
                                            APAA’s Herdman. Airbus’ Anderson bears   Reinert  notes that  in  the case
                                            out his argument, noting that it is essential   of Lufthansa Technik, the “working
                                            for any JV signatory who is already   relationship has been build up over years
                                            a  “significant  MRO”  to  fully  understand   and the partnership spirit has developed
                                            customer’s  demands  and  operation  to our expectations. It needs time,
                                                                                understanding and the willingness for
                                                                                solutions and compromises,” he cautions.
             Asia is no longer a market for overseas MROs                      “There are a lot of efforts [needed] before
        alone. If any foreign MRO wants to remain in this                       benefits can harvested,” he says.
                                                                                   ST Aerospace is another player that
        market, they have to come to Asia.                                      has linked up with a major international
                                                                                MRO to offer internationally backed
        - Adrien Moreau, AfI KLM E&M sales director, North East Asia            facilities on a regional basis. It has inked
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