Page 37 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2013 Online Magazine
P. 37



          New system at Noi Bai
          A new systems integration installation
          at Terminal 2 at Hanoi’s Noi Bai
          International Airport will see vMUSE™   Taipei expansion
          workstations, along with SelfServ   Taoyuan Airport in Taiwan is to spend   due to begin in late 2014, with a view
          Common Use Self Service kiosks,    US$1.5billion on a new runway and   to the project being completed by the
          a VeriPax Passenger Reconciliation   terminal in a bid to snare some of the   end of 2018, said We-Jen Cheng, head
          System and Flight Information Displays   expected expansion in Asia air traffic. The   of Engineering Department, Taoyuan
          to facilitate the airlines’ check-  tenders for the new facilities have been   Airport. Although not a major transport
          in applications. Yoshiaki Takimoto,   released, and are expected to be awarded   hub at present, Taoyuan has been chosen
          spokesperson for TVJV said that Noi   later this year. The projected new facilities   as an international locus by both EVA Air
          Bai International Airport, as one of the   will boost the airport’s capacity to handle   and China Air, and is taking increasing
          largest airports in Vietnam, needed   a  total  of  43  million  passengers  a  year,   traffic from LCCs Scoot and Tiger from
          increasingly  sophisticated  passenger   a significant increase. Once contracts   across the increasingly mobile southern
          management capability to cope with   have been finalised, construction is   areas of the region.
          the expanded terminal numbers. “In
          anticipation  of  its  continued  growth
          and economic development, we need
          passenger handling systems to be both
          robust and reliable,” he asserted. The
          contract for the installation, awarded to
          ARINC, will be implemented by Taisei-
          Vinaconex Joint Venture (TVJV) the
          project manager for the construction
          of the new terminal.

          Virtual arrivals
          Adelaide Airport is offering visitors to   Myanmar goes for growth
          its Terminal 1 building the chance to   Myanmar’s Yangon International Airport   check-in counters and gate resources
          experience a virtual visit using Google   (YIA) has upgraded its passenger   to ease processing. “Over the last year,
          Maps indoor ‘Street View’ technology.   handling systems in preparation for an   we have seen the airport grow from 14
          The  system  works  on  computers,   anticipated rise in passenger numbers.   to 22 airlines, which means we need to
          tablets and smartphones, so viewers   Following the easing of sanctions and   increase our capacity immediately, while
          can explore the departures and arrivals   a political “opening up”, the airport   also planning  for  the future,” noted  U
          areas and ‘walk’ down an aerobridge   is looking to a projected 20% annual   Win Ko, general manager at YIA. The
          and  out  alongside  the  the  runway  in   growth as the country welcomes   upcoming 27  South East Asian Games,
          a 360-degree experience. Adelaide   increasing numbers of international   to be held in November this year, will
          Airport is one of the first in the world   airlines. The new system, using SITA’s   be staged in Myanmar, and the country
          to provide an interactive virtual tour in   AirportConnect Open system, allows   expects to see a surge of visitors leading
          Google Maps.                       operating airlines to use the airport’s   up to the opening ceremony.

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