Page 34 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2013 Online Magazine
P. 34

FeATure poWerpLAnTs

                                            in Airbus and Boeing aircraft regionally –   “Our  objective  is  to have the  most
                                            all needing MRO facilities.         competitive MRO solutions for our fleet,
                                               “India is one of the most dynamic   without any compromise in flight safety,”
                                            economies in the world and the long-  said He Li, senior vice president of Air
                                            term potential is virtually limitless,”   China. As a consequence, Air China has
                                            says Eric Bachelet, President and CEO   set up a JV called Sichuan Services Aero
                                            of CFM International. “At CFM, we are   Engines Maintenance Company (SSAMC),
                                            very pleased and proud to be a part of the   a  60/40  venture  between  the  airline  and
                                            aviation infrastructure here in India and to   CFM. Working out of Chengdu, China, the
                                            help support the continued growth of this   facility  expands  Air  China’s  engineering
                                            industry in the region.”            services, which already provides aircraft
                                               CFM   now  boasts  four  CFM56   maintenance, repair and overhaul services.  
                                            maintenance training centres in India,   “The  partnership  with  CFM  can
                                            with the most recent being opened in   help both stakeholders to continuously
        “We’re confident this collaboration will help   Hyderabad to support regional customers.   increase their competitiveness globally
        strengthen our apprenticeship programme   The facilities duplicate the capability of   with their advantages, and to provide the
        and increase our presence as a leading   the training centres in the US, China, and   best service for Chinese and worldwide
        MRO provider in China by attracting top   France and provide hands-on training for   customers,” adds Li.  
        talent from throughout the region.”  CFM56-5B and CFM56-7B engines.       “This new venture is a perfect example
           Designed to offer major engine      Each one has the capacity to train 500   of the type of win-win solutions that airlines
        manufacturer know-how at a local level,   students annually, and with more engines   and OEMs can implement together,” says
        the SEC means China-based aircraft do   on order from the likes of Air India, Air   CFM’s Bachelet. “The combination of Air
        not have to fly a significant distance in   India Express, Go Air, and SpiceJet, as   China’s extensive expertise with that of
        order to undergo major MRO attention.  well as airlines in Bangladesh, Bhutan,   CFM  will  enable  SSAMC  to  develop  and
           Eller describes SEC as a “state-of-  and Sri Lanka, there is likely to be   grow to the best level of performance, in
        the art facility with extensive part repair   significant demand for the extra capacity.   terms of quality, turnaround time, EGT
        capacity that helps reduce engine overhaul   Additionally, CFM produces engine shop   margin, and cost.”
        costs and turnaround times.” The joint   and maintenance manuals in Bangalore,
        venture has now been operating for three   making  use  of the  rich  seam  of IT  The future?
        years, in a purpose-built 23,000-square-  publishing expertise on offer there.  With physical facilities, expanded training
        metre facility. As Pratt & Whitney’s first                              schemes, and plenty of successful JVs
        engine centre in China, the Qingpu District-  Expansion station         to call on, it looks like Asia will only get
        based facility provides engine maintenance,   According to IATA figures, Chinese airline   bigger and better in the MRO space.
        repair and overhaul services to customers   operators made US$22 billion last year,   Reduced  out-of-service  times,  lower  to-
        worldwide, not just on a local basis, for up   and they project that 877 million additional   service distances and significantly reduced
        to 300 engines annually.            passengers will be travelling by 2015,   labour costs are all making Asia look
           In India, CFM (a joint Safran/General   in over 3,000 new aircraft. That’s a lot of   better to a wide range of operators with
        Electric  company)    International’s  MRO business waiting to be grabbed. One   an eye on the bottom line. With innovative
        presence has seen parallel growth with   operator eyeing up this rapidly burgeoning   plans like Rolls-Royce’s TotalCare® and
        the rise of the LCCs in the sub-continent.   market is Air China, with over 300 aircraft   Pratt & Whitney’s ESP Programme, which
        The company says there are more than   of its own plus plenty of other aircraft   take away the responsibility for service
        500 CFM56 engines in service or on order   owners to service.           schedules from the operators, the need
                                                                                for engine MRO expertise locally to Asia
                                                                                can only grow. In fact, services accounted
            NEw wAy AHEAD – MAyBE                                               for more than 50% of Rolls-Royce civil
            In a recent signing with Singapore Airlines (SIA), Rolls-Royce has agreed to   aerospace revenue in 2012 – not the sale
            “develop and integrate existing Rolls-Royce capabilities to … establish an   of power plants.
            integrated and embedded service provision for Singapore Airlines and the wider   It’s a good time to be in the MRO
            region.” Does this mean that Rolls-Royce and SIA will be sharing facilities to   business, in Asia.
            outsource their considerable joint expertise to third-party aircraft operators?
            Maybe. At press time, no comment was available from either SIA or Rolls-
            Royce, other than the fact that “the agreement will see Singapore become a
            centre for Trent 900 delivery and service support, and in the future, a centre for   ABOVE LEFT: Eric Bachelet,
            Trent 1000 delivery and service support.”                           President and CEO of
                                                                                CfM International
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