Page 36 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2013 Online Magazine
P. 36



                                                                                Boeing estimates 35,000
                                                                                new planes over 20 years

                                                                                Boeing has released its annual Current
                                                                                Market Outlook,  and  estimates  the
                                                                                number of aircraft globally will expand
                                                                                by  100%  over  the  next  two  decades.
                                                                                Asia Pacific, including China, will likely
                                                                                lead the way in total deliveries. In the
          Boeing, TAI deliver education                                         report, Boeing asserted it expects total
          Thai Airways International (TAI) has   the supplies and pleased that Thai   sales of new aircraft to exceed 35,000
          jumped on the CSR bandwagon with   Airways International can carry  them   over this time period, vavlued at over
          an initiative to deliver 1,000 backpacks   to children in Thailand,” he said. The   US$4.8 trillion. “This forecast gives us
          full of school supplies such as pencils,   backpacks, which will be delivered   confidence as we increase our production
          paper and crayons to underprivileged   across the country on TAI’s newest 777-  rates and invest in new products like the
          children across Thailand. TAI president   300ER, will be distributed locally – but   777X and 787-10X,”said Randy Tinseth,
          Dr  Sorajak  Kasemsuvan  said  that  the   at present there is no word on whether   VP of Marketing, Boeing Commercial
          initiative, co-sponsored by Boeing,   the cost of delivery (airtime, extra jet   Airplanes. Market watchers will note,
          would help children in less well-off   fuel etc) would have been better spent   however, that this upbeat forecast will
          areas  to  get  a  start  in  education.  “I   on conventionally delivered supplies to   be shared amongst a wider range of
          am thankful to Boeing for providing   even more school destinations.   manufacturers than presently in the
                                                                                market, with new competitors to the
                                                                                Airbus-Boeing duopoly coming from
                                                                                China, Russia, Canada and Brazil.

                                                                                Etihad expands

                                                                                Etihad has signed a new codeshare
                                                                                agreement with Korean Air, South
                                                                                Korea’s largest airline for flights
                                                                                between Seoul (Incheon) and Abu
                                                                                Dhabi. Etihad President and CEO
                                                                                James Hogan said the partnership
          Firefly buzzes with first ATR 72-600                                  was a significant development in both
                                                                                strategic and commercial terms.
          Malaysia-based regional airline Firefly   connectivity” amongst the airline’s   “Korean investment in infrastructure
          has taken ownership of its first brand-  widely distributed ASEAN destinations.   and projects in the UAE (approximately
          new turboprop ATR 72-600 short-   The new aircraft are scheduled to   US$29 billion since 2009) has been
          haul aircraft.  The  first of an order of   enter service around mid-July.  “We   a  catalyst  for  diplomatic,  business
          20  ATRs,  with 16  further  options, the   are thrilled to finally receive our new   and cultural exchange and a major
          delivery is a significant bonus for the   aircraft,” said Ignatius Ong, CEO of   contributor to the growth of travel
          EADS-derived ATR operation. With   Firefly. ATR CEO Filippo Bagnato added   between the two countries,” he said.
          this  sizeable fleet  expansion, Firefly   that the deal was a significant one for   “The new codeshare … will enable the
          expects to rapidly increase capacity on   ATR in the key Asian market, and said,   airlines to leverage the strength of
          its domestic network, as well as offer   “It is great to see the ATR 72s play an   their  brands  for  mutual  commercial
          what it describes as “better customer   integral role in Firefly’s success.”   and customer benefit,” he added.

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