Page 22 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2013 ( CHINESE EDITION ) Online Magazine
P. 22


        Management & Security:

        CAAC Strengthens

        Business Aviation

         Business aviation in China has boomed, but it’s a rocky
         road to success. In a bid to smoothen the path, the

         CAAC has recently put forward a series of suggestions
         aimed at optimising the environment for business
         aviation. By China Aviation News

        The civil aviaTion adminisTraTion     access management to detail the industry   On its part, to create a more conducive
        of China (CAAC) recently unveiled   access conditions for flight operators,   environment, China plans to optimise
        Several  Opinions  on  Strengthening  as  well  as  to  carry  out  administrative   import management of business jets,
        Management and Security Work of Business   licensing. In addition,  Opinions states   and standardise airport security and
        Aviation, which offers criteria for safety   that business jets operators should put   fee collection of aviation management
        management,  market  supervision  and   primary safety measures into practice   service. Furthermore, it plans to firm up
        service assurance related to China’s   and suggests ways to simplify the   procedures for examination and approval
        business jets development. According to   licensing process, transfer examination   of flight plans, simplify procedure for
        Opinions, to create a favourable external   and approval rights to lower levels, relax   examination and approval, as well as
        environment, business jets that take   market access conditions, support the   reduce the time spent on examination
        off and land at Beijing’s Capital Airport   coalition, merger and restructuring of   and approval. The country also needs to
        during peak periods should not number   business jets industries to establish key   make set down procedures to manage
        fewer than 15, and there should be at least   enterprises.  Opinions also touches upon   time resources for air transportation and
        10 at Shanghai’s Hongqiao and Pudong   ways to carry out operations management   business aviation, as well as domestic
        airports. In addition, the airports should   upon classifications, in addition to further   and foreign business jets, according to
        give priority to jets involved in government   clarifying the terms applicable to the   how busy the transportation airport is.
        affairs and medical assistance.     operation of business jets according to
           Although  business  aviation  has  been   operation characteristics and models of   Support and infrastructure
        on the rise in China, the development of   aircraft, and setting down the regulations   To  provide  the  necessary  support
        management systems and facilities has   and rules suitable for flights of business   facilities and raise standards of service,
        lagged. Industry players have long called   jets and aviation transport.   China  intends  to  construct  some
        for the introduction of related policy                                  advanced  general  airports  capable  of
        measures, to improve market access  Supervision and procedural changes  supplying services to business jets, and
        management of business jets, establish   With regard to strengthening supervision   to encourage investment.
        more reasonable operational standards,   and the maintenance of operational orders,   This  will  require  coordination
        simplify procedures for examination and   Opinions said market supervision should   betwen  state  departments,  and  the
        approval of the import of business jets   be strengthened, and enterprises engaged   streamlining of procedures related to
        and flight plans, ensure time resource,   in flights or escrow of business jets should   airport construction. Support enterprises
        and strengthen the construction of ground   preform their insurance cover obligations   need to invest in building ground support
        support  facilities.  These  issues  have  all   of liability insurance, lay down procedures   facilities  such  as  hangars,  terminal
        been touched on in Opinions.        to  deal  with  passenger  complaints  and   buildings and FBOs; and airports that
                                            safeguard passengers’ rights. In addition,   see a  great  deal of  business jet  activity
        Management and operations           the preliminary application system for   need to build specialised areas for
        In terms of standardising management   foreign business jet to operate in China   business aviation, or use “double-cabin”
        and ensuring safe operation, Opinions has   needs improvements, and agent activities   recreational facilities to provide services
        put forward standardisation of market   should be standardised.         for business aviation.
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