Page 33 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2013 ( CHINESE EDITION ) Online Magazine
P. 33


          Republic of Korea
          chooses the AW159
          AgustaWestland has announced a
          contract with the Republic of Korea
          for eight AW159s for the nation’s Navy,
          a deal that will also include aircrew
          and maintainer training, initial spares
          and  support  services.  Deliveries  are
          scheduled for 2015–2016. Commenting
          on the contract, Bruno Spagnolini,   New helicopter service launched in Auckland
          CEO of AgustaWestland said, “This   Helicopter Me, a New Zealand-based helicopter tour company and the only such
          demonstrates that the AW159 offers a   operator with a base at Auckland Airport, has partnered with Air New Zealand and
          winning combination of capability and   Alert Taxis to offer a helicopter taxi service to and from the airport. The company
          value for money.”                  says the service spares travellers the wait for ground transportation and increases
                                             convenience. Helicopter Me has also expanded its tour offerings in the Auckland
                                             area, with tours including city and coastal scenic tours, as well as adventure tours.

          EC135 gaining
          popularity in India
          Eurocopter  has  announced  that
          a record nine units of the  EC135
          helicopter were sold in India in 2012,
          making up the bulk of sales for the
          year. In addition, at the Aero India
          2013 exhibition, the company inked a
          contract for the sale of an EC135 with
          India’s Ghodawat Industries, to meet
          its business aviation requirements, and   Enstrom acquired by Chinese investment company
          delivered one of the light twin-engine   Chinese  investment  company  Mullins reportedly said, “[Enstrom’s
          helicopters to Indian group Mahindra   Chongqing  Helicopter  Investment  new ownership] will allow further
          & Mahindra. Eurocopter India CEO   Company   (CQHIC)  has   acquired  growth of our business in Menominee,
          Xavier Hay said, “In 2012, the majority   Enstrom Helicopter Corporation,  and   Michigan to meet the demands of the
          of new contracts we signed with Indian   will be helping Enstrom expand into   increasing markets around the world,
          customers were for the EC135.”     new markets. Enstrom President Jerry   especially Asia.”

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