Page 28 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2013 ( CHINESE EDITION ) Online Magazine
P. 28


                                                                                processed primary radar, and this  has
                                                                                also been completed. Both the analogue
                                                                                and digital mitigation solutions are
                                                                                non-computational  high-speed  logic
                                                                                processing (FPGA hardware) systems,
                                                                                that allow continuous removal of the
                                                                                clutter whilst enabling the track identity
                                                                                of all radial, tangential and turning traffic
                                                                                crossing the wind farm to be maintained
                                                                                throughout.  The  Thruput  equipment  is
                                                                                fully integrated in the ATC unit with no
                                                                                new data sources required.
                                                                                   The  company  reports  its  solutions
                                                                                have recently been selected as the
                                                                                mitigation solution at two further regional
                                                                                airports for operational deployment
                                                                                during 2012 and 2013.
                                                                                   Copenhagen  International  Airport
                                                                                has installed a gap-filling radar solution
                                                                                from Terma following extensive trials
                                                                                in 2011. Terma’s SCANTER 4002 is an
                                                                                X-Band primary radar that can provide
                                                                                enhanced detection of small targets
                                                                                even in the vicinity of a wind farm.
                                                                                The high-resolution CFAR processing
        ABOVE: Terma’s SCANTER              Change in 2010 to demonstrate the new   enables target detection and tracking
        4002 has been installed at          technology and began trials at Durham   between turbines. When combined with
        Copenhagen International            Teeside Airport in June 2011.       existing radar, it can be used to overcome
        Airport, and is reportedly                                              the effect of wind turbines on radar
        able to detect small targets        MIDAS touch                         returns. Danish ANSP Naviair selected
        even near a wind farm               At time of writing, the MIDAS system   the surveillance radar to conduct a
                                            at Durham Tees had completed 10,000   demonstration of its capability as a wind
                                            hours  of  continuous  operation  without   farm compliant approach radar able to
                                            fault, continuously mitigating clutter for   mitigate the impact of numerous wind
                                            the analogue Watchman radar.        turbines close to the airport.
                                               A series of flight trials and controller   The future promises more innovation
                                            surveys have been carried out under   in this area. Early development of
                                            the supervision of Wind Power Aviation   multi-static primary surveillance radar
                                            Consultants in the presence of CAA   (MSPSR), for example, offers a very
                                            regional inspectors. As a result of   different solution based around multiple
                                            these trials, BT and Peel Holdings have   receiver sites. With the advantage of
                                            agreed that the solution satisfies the   height data and multiple receivers, a bi-
                                            planning condition on their Red Gap Moor   product could be to minimise the impact
                                            development and Thruput are now under   of wind turbines. Thales is modifying its
                                            contract to roll out a fully operational   TopSky automation system to selectively
                                            system in parallel to the BT construction   integrate third-party gap-filler systems.
                                            programme. On behalf of the Airport,   This introduces much more versatility
                                            Osprey  CSL has  been appointed  to   to existing systems. Smith says a lot
                                            provide the operational safety case and   of customers are looking at what is
                                            the programme is aiming for Operational   happening in the UK, and sees approval
                                            Approval by year end.               in the UK as a very credible start.
                                               As part of the programme, Teeside
                                            insisted that a comparable mitigation   Reprinted from CANSO Airspace
                                            solution should be demonstrated for a   magazine, 2012.
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