Page 29 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2013 ( CHINESE EDITION ) Online Magazine
P. 29




        Talent Bottleneck in China                                              的要求,需要既熟悉国外的游戏规则,

        Conditions for general and business aviation are                        自己的商业模式。此外,飞行员、机
        improving, but one of the major challenges China                        技术人才也都极其短缺。
        faces now is a shortage of talent. What can be done to                  人才上,而如今事实上我们缺的不是飞
        change this? By China Aviation News                                     行人员,更缺的是经营管理人员,懂航
        in recent years,  china’s business   while there are only 30,000 such  people   人才严重缺乏,这是我们一个很重要的
        aviation industry has witnessed rapid   in China, of which 22,000 are in airlines.   问题。”中国民用航空飞行标准司李海
        development, though the environment   But among America’s 600,000 pilots, only   鹏表示。
        was perhaps not quite ideal. Going ahead,   240,000 are commercial pilots; the rest are   目前中国有3万人持有飞行执照,美
        the industry is likely to flourish, following   non-commercial pilots, cadets or private   国为60万,而中国的这些飞行员中有2.2
        optimisation of market circumstances.  pilots. “It means 240,000 producers   万人在航空公司执飞航班。对比美国60
           At present, the talent bottleneck is one   versus 360,000 consumers,” explained   万飞行员,美国本土飞行员60万,其中
        of the greatest challenges facing business   Chen Guangcheng, deputy director of   商业飞行员是24万,其余36万是非商业
        aviation in China. As an emerging industry,   the navigation branch of flight standards   飞行员,是飞行学生或私用飞行员。“
        there is a great demand for talent who   department of Chinese civil aviation.   这意味着,60万人里中,有24万人生产
        are not just familiar with how the game   Li also noted that China’s aviation   者,剩下的36万是消费者。”陈广承给
        is played outside the country, but also   industry is desperately short of a market   出了解释。
        understand China’s unique conditions –   for individuals or aviation consumption.   李海鹏表示,我国通航严重缺乏个人
        and who are thus able to help the industry   In China oil flights make up 9%, and   或者消费航空的市场,9%石油飞行,至
        develop an appropriate business model.   business jets and private jets only make   于公务机和私人飞机只是10%。这可以
        In addition, there is also a shortage of   up 10%. From this, we can see that the   看出来我们国家的消费航空市场较为初
        trained personnel such as technicians.   consumption ability of the aviation market   级,事实上,判断一个市场发展的核心
           “Once when we talked about aviation   is still in its early stages. Therefore, the   关键就在于是不是转为比较成熟的消费
        talent,  we  often  referred  to  pilots,”   market  needs  brand  new  talents,  with   品市场。因此,消费品市场必定是以市
        said Li Haipeng, head of the general   totally different criteria.      场为导向的,那么这个市场需要的人才
        aviation department at the Civil Aviation   The shortage of talent has been   也与先进的人才标准不再相同。
        Management Institute of China (CAMIC).   one of the factors limiting the growth of   通用航空人才的匮乏已成为制约中国
        “But now we have enough pilots, and   China’s general aviation – but that may   通用航空发展的主要因素之一。“通航的
        what we lack is management and      be  easily  changed.  “The  development  of   发展要从娃娃抓起,这些人他现在可能只
        operation personnel who know aviation,   the aviation industry should begin with a   是一个爱好者,他甚至不可能参与飞行,
        management, operations and the market.   training programme for youngsters who   但是这些人在他的心中如果有一个航空的
        A great shortage of this kind of talent is   may not take part in the flight process,”   印象的话,当他们长大以后,就是未来我
        one of our major problems.”         said Li. “As long as they are aware of the   们的人才的基础。”中国民航管理干部学
           Today, the US has around 600,000   industry, they may eventually become the   院通用航空系主任李海鹏说道。
        people with commercial pilot licenses,   talent of the future.”
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