Page 31 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 31


        jet fuel  from  the international  market   what is required each month. “A problem   for oil. The days of relatively inexpensive
        and is also not ruling out plans of taking   after a tanker was brought into a port like   aviation fuel are over. A professionally
        cautious steps towards hedging against   Chennai (in southern India) was of storage   managed fuel hedging program can help
        fuel prices. “We have plans to import ATF   and transportation of the fuel imported,”   aircraft  operators of  any size  reduce
        directly from overseas markets as prices   the Air India official said. “Hedging for fuel   the financial impact of rising fuel costs
        are  considerably low  compared  to  Indian   lifted abroad solves all such problems.”   and control their fuel bill. Considered
        rates,” a  SpiceJet spokesman told AA&A.   Fuel  prices  are  likely  to  keep  rising   unnecessary by many operators in the
        “Currently,  jet  fuel  expense    account  for   for years to come. The increasing energy   past, fuel hedging has become a survival
        about 40% to 45% of the airlines total costs,   demands of China and India, and continued   tool,” Watson added.
        and even if we can save one% through   unrest in the Middle East, are major   However, Sushi Shyamal, partner,
        import or hedging, it will be huge.”  contributing factors to the increase. While   Ernst & Young  India, has warned against
           However, the small airlines like   there will be temporary price declines,   un-considered fuel hedging as it “needs
        Spicejet lack the adequate infrastructure   energy market fundamentals point to   careful planning”.  “Airlines would like
        for fuel storage  facilities and have to   an upward price trend until significantly   to hedge only when they anticipate rising
        depend on suppliers for storing the   more oil is found, extracted and refined.   prices. Hedging carries its own risks.
        fuel. So the Airports Authority of India   According to petroleum industry   If an airline enters fixed hedge today
        (AAI) is looking at providing common   experts, an additional US$100+ billion   and fuel prices (move down) later, it will
        infrastructure for supplying ATF across all   needs to be invested in oil exploration   be saddled with a fixed high fuel price,”
        major airports, based on an open access   and infrastructure projects to meet future   Shyamal said.
        model, which can help create a win-win   energy requirements.              So sensible hedging can protect an
        situation for all involved.             India’s energy needs are growing at   airline only for a quarter or two unless
           “It is time we segregated ownership of   more than 7% annually, and during the   it  is  are  a  massive  buyer,  like  Etihad.  In
        the ATF infrastructure at the airports and   past three years China’s demand has   the long run, rising fuel prices can only
        the supply of ATF. This will help create a   increased 65%,  not to mention that the   be countered by focusing on profitable
        level playing field for companies desirous   country currently uses nearly one-seventh   routes and increasing yields, Shyamal
        of supplying ATF to airlines at prices lower   of the world’s total energy. According to   advised. Fuel hedging involves investing,
        than the current levels. For airlines, ATF   Boeing, Asia Pacific airlines will need   so financial risk is an inherent part of it –
        is the single-biggest cost head and hence   12,820  new  aircraft,  valued at US$1.9   and not a core expertise of most airlines
        every rupee saved is a rupee gained,” said   trillion, over the next 20 years. And they   either.  Be it as it may, many airline
        Amber Dubey, partner and head-aviation   will all need more fuel.       operators still feel, the risk is offset by
        at global consultancy firm KPMG.       Blair Watson of Vancouver-based PNW   the value protected. Hedging looks here
                                            Aviation Services, which offers fuel hedging   to stay.
        Quantity or quality                 consulting and program facilitation, is
        Airlines feel the direct import of ATF is not   of  the  opinion  that,  “Fuel  hedging  gives
        economical since the smallest package   aircraft operators an excellent way to
        of jet fuel would be one tanker of 10,000   protect themselves financially against
        kilo liter, which will be much more than   the effects of increasing global demand
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