Page 10 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Online Magazine
P. 10


                                                                                half a million civilian pilots by 2035.
                                                                                   Since 2003, when Chinese carriers
                                                                                started hiring foreign pilots , the number
                                                                                has gone up to roughly six per cent of
                                                                                the commercial-pilot workforce, with
                                                                                1,778 foreign-pilot licenses issued as of
                                                                                2013,  figures offered by  China’s aviation
                                                                                regulator said.

                                                                                Leasing Companies Make a Feast
                                                                                The booming  aviation  market has  not
                                                                                only attracted interest from aircraft
                                                                                manufacturers, but the vast business
                                                                                opportunities that stem from it have
                                                                                also generated interest among leasing
                                                                                   Analysts estimate that of the 6020 new
                                                                                aircraft which Boeing has forecast that
           “Some will not launch at all and others   aviation related projects and budget   45 per cent of them will be provided by
        will not survive, as is common with a rush   carriers, the report said.  leasing companies.
        of start-up activity,” said CAPA.      Capital  Airports Holding controls   Tao Mei, vice president of ICBC
           The start-ups are in cities big and   20% of the fund. HNA Group, the parent   Financial Leasing Company, was quoted
        small, said CAPA. China’s second-   of Hainan Airlines, and other fund   by the Beijing-based China Business
        largest airport, Guangzhou with 52.4m   management firms hold the remainder,   Journal that fierce competition to
        passengers in 2013, will be home to 9 Air,   the report added.          supply the expansion in aircraft fleets
        due to launch imminently. The smallest                                  is looming among local and foreign
        airport seeing a new airline is Nantong  Need for Pilots                leasing companies.
        (home to Sutong Airlines), which had   Growth of air travel means the need   “In China’s aircraft leasing market,
        600,000 passengers in 2013, making it   for  pilots  will  increase.  According  to   domestic leasing companies have taken over
        China’s 75th largest.               estimates, each airplane requires about   more than 80 per cent of the new leasing
           Overall, the average size of airports   six two-person flight crews, creating   business,” Tao was quoted as saying.
        seeing a start-up is passenger throughput   demand for thousands of new pilots.   As of the second quarter of 2014, the
        of 16.8m passengers with a 2013 growth   “Chinese airlines lack sufficient locally   number of financial leasing companies
        rate of 16 per cent.                trained candidates,” said a Chinese civil   under the supervision of the China
           Airport construction too has gathered   aviation official. Boeing estimates that the   Banking Regulatory Commission had
        pace, with ongoing construction at a facility   broader Asian-Pacific region will require   reached 24, with their total asset value
        south of Beijing alone costing $14 billion, a   185,600  new pilots  between  2012  and   pegged at more than 1,100 billion yuan
        report by Reuters said. Around 60 Chinese   2031, accounting for 40 per cent of global   (US$179.2 billion).
        cities have set up aviation economic zones   pilot demand. The region today has 56,000   The journal revealed that China’s leasing
        where aircraft manufacturers, including   pilots, or roughly 26 per cent of the global   companies leased 300 aircraft in 2013,
        Airbus and Embraer, operate alongside   total, according to Boeing.     accounting for 14 per cent of the fleet.
        parts  suppliers and  logistics  firms,  the   “To meet the ever increasing demand   China Aircraft Leasing Company
        report added.                       for pilots, Chinese airlines have been   (CALC),  an  independent  aircraft
           A report in China Securities Journal   doing their best to entice foreign pilots. In   operating  lessor in  China, has  signed
        recently  stated  that  a  clutch  of  Chinese   2013  Chinese  airlines  had  raised  wages   a  Memorandum  of  Understanding  with
        firms have floated a 20 billion yuan   by an average of 30% to bring in foreign   Airbus early November for 100 A320
        investment fund to help reinforce China’s   recruits,” the official said.  Family aircraft.
        fast-growing civil aviation industry. Led by     Reports indicated that Hainan Airlines   The  commitment  comprises  74
        Capital Airports Holding Company, which   and Shenzen Airlines doubled the average   A320neo, 16 A320ceo and 10 A321ceo.
        manages the flagship Beijing International   salary package of international pilots by
        Airport Company, the US$3.25billion Civil   offering US$230,000 to US$270,000 in an   Focus on Passengers
        Aviation Investment Fund intend to pump   annual package.               Airports in China are focusing their IT
        money into airport construction, aviation   China’s national civil aviation authority   investments on improving the passenger
        economic zones, cargo and general   said the country will need to train about   experience and introducing new self-
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