Page 13 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Online Magazine
P. 13
interview to Asian Airlines and Airports. the skills developed for supporting A380s,” or the Zéphyr engine test cell, to facilitate
The company plans to invest says yann Peyrot, head of AFIKLM’s insourcing of maintenance on the A350, its
around US$100 million for engineering logistic center in Singapore. “Both B787 components and its engines.
programmes and the deployment of the and A350 are standalone programmes.” “The opening of Hélios, a cutting edge
necessary investments in technology The AFI KLM E&M 787 component composite facility in CDG, in 2015 will allow
and human resources to meet the A350 support model is organised around in- AFI KLM E&M to support next generation
engineering, production and logistics house capabilities in the Air France KLM composite parts that represent more than
requirements, similar to what the group workshops. The aim is to reach an half of 787s and A350s aerostructures,”
company did for the B787 programme. in-house repair capability of 70 per cent to Lanser said.
“We are starting to build a dedicated 80 per cent of the flow of components no Air France-KLM has been operating
maintenance organisation in conjunction later than 2015. the A380 within its French operation since
with the requisite people in-house, as “Our repair shops are organised 2009, and has orders for the B787 and
well as with the aircraft manufacturer, to produce against a predictable and A350, which are scheduled for delivery
OEMs and engine-maker Rolls-Royce,” stable TAT which enables us to optimise from 2015 and 2018 respectively. “Jointly
Lanser said. inventory and having the workshops close they are expected to take a delivery of 100
As with all new aircraft, the A350 to the pool ensures the highest possible aircraft (both B787 and A350 combined),”
maintenance programme is being operational availability of the pooled Peyrot said.
developed on the basis of discussions with components,” Peyrot said. Referring to Asian market, Peyrot
the manufacturer. With its seven logistics centers at said,”There is a change...More and more
“Ahead of the aircraft’s entry into Paris CDG, Amsterdam, Singapore, Miami, Asian operators are looking for Western
service and future deployment by Air Kuala Lumpur, Mumbai, and Shanghai, service providers for supporting and
France and KLM, we are already involved AFI KLM E&M handles the requirements operating their aircraft.”
in an initial phase to research, analyse and of 150 clients and 1,300 aircraft. Since China’s Xiamen Airlines recently opted
structure the maintenance programme,” each aircraft comprises on average 800 for AFI KLM E&M expertise in support
he says. systems, this is a certainly a big challenge. of the launch of its fleet of Boeing 787
“This task is moving ahead in “The main thing is to have the right Dreamliners and subsequent component
conjunction with Airbus and is an essential part in the right place at the right time!” maintenance and overhaul services for the
stage to help us estimate and control said Peyrot. To resolve that equation, with aircraft. The long-term contract between
aircraft maintenance costs, which will its ever-shifting parameters, AFI KLM the two groups organizes component
also contribute to the group’s economy E&M has built up a global network based support for six B787 aircraft operated by
and cost-cutting drive.” on highly sophisticated mathematical XiamenAir.
Pursuing in the meantime its strategy models. As a result, its centres are all “Several airlines are relying on the
on new-gen aircraft, AFI KLM E&M is situated in critical locations. know-how and competitive nature of
currently developing its A350 components Air France-KLM is also looking at the AFI KLM E&M component support
and engines products and capabilities. forging partnership agreements to offer. Xiamen is the seventh significant
“For us, it’s rather an evolution than support the A350 if possible, though the 787 operator and the first Chinese one
a revolution, since AFI KLM E&M is the MRO provider will also be able to build on to choose AFI KLM E&M as its long term
only MRO part of an airline group which its own engineering capabilities for the 787 components support provider,”
ordered A380s, 787s and A350s. This gives aircraft. Peyrot said.
us a decisive edge in mastering the latest The group is optimizing its dedicated AFI KLM E&M designs and implements
technologies. All our units have mobilised A350 maintenance strategy and bespoke component support programs
their expertise and skills to achieve the investment plan to be deployed in 2015 in to allow airlines operating the 787 to
best possible position for the now ongoing terms of component stock, OEM relation, launch their new aircraft with a limited
first wave of calls for tender for A350 maintenance systems and human investment. At the same time, the
component support,” he adds. resources. dedicated AFI KLM E&M pooling program
The new offering will benefit from the “This is an area we will be able to allows them to benefit from substantial
AFI KLM’s wide experience and investment optimize due to the many similarities economies of scale.
in new generation aircraft fleets and their between the technology used on the A350, “These features, combined with the
related technologies, including the A380 the A380 and the Boeing 787,” Lanser MRO’s global logistics network, its strong
and the B787, where the company’s offer said. presence in Asia, and its ability to field an
has already been taken up by several AFI KLM E&M will also be able offering tailored to the requirements of
major airlines. to capitalize on earlier investment XiamenAir, convinced the Chinese carrier
“Technically speaking, these aircraft programmes, such as the Constellation to place its trust in AFI KLM E&M,” he
are challenging. But we can leverage on engine disassembly and assembly shop, added.