Page 18 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Online Magazine
P. 18


        For a Better Tomorrow

        AAPA 58th Assembly of Presidents bats for bleeding aviation industry By Jay Menon

                                            THE ASSOCIATION  OF ASIA PACIFIC    said that Asia-Pacific carriers operate in
                                            Airlines (AAPA) has called for easing   a highly competitive environment and are
                                            unjustified taxation, and uncoordinated   experiencing pressure on profitability.
                                            patchwork  of  legislations  to help  ailing   “Still a lot can be done to improve the
                                            airlines in the region.             regulatory framework for the industry.
                                               “Governments  should remove the   Unfortunately, some governments still
                                            burden of unfair taxation, distorted   have little regard for the burdens that
                                            regional and national environmental   poorly-conceived policies place on the
                                            schemes,  obstacles  to  passenger  air transport industry. Unjustified taxes
                                            facilitation  and excessively burdensome   and regulations negatively impact the
                                            visa regimes that constrain the freedom   travelling public by making air travel less
                                            of individual travel,” Andrew Herdman,   affordable. Excessive regulation is also a
                                            AAPA Director General said at the AAPA   disincentive to innovation by the airlines,”
                                            58th Assembly of Presidents in Tokyo.  Herdman said.
                                               Collectively, Asian carriers have seen a   Airlines and the travelling public today
                                            dip in yields this year as a result of intense   already bear the burden of numerous taxes
        Andrew Herdman, AAPA Director       market competition and signs of surplus   and charges imposed by governments,
        General                             capacity.  Airlines are carefully reviewing   as well as those by monopolistic service
                                            their fleet and network development   providers and other agencies.  Despite
                                            plans, while maintaining a tight rein on   past  exhortations,  there  has  been a
        Delegates gathered for              costs in a bid to restore profitability and   proliferation  of taxes  in  many  countries
        this year’s conference              sustain further investments for the future.     on air passengers, several of which
        had reasons for optimism               In  a  resolution,  taken  at  the  two-day   can be categorised as taxes on the sale
        for the long term                   conference, which ended on Nov. 19, AAPA   or use of international air transport in
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