Page 22 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Online Magazine
P. 22


        Taking a Smart Path

        It has been an exciting and tremendous year in China for Honeywell Aerospace By Jay Menon

        bRIAND GREER  IS THE PRESIDENT OF                                       Program with Inmarsat
        Honeywell  Aerospace Asia-Pacific. He                                   GX   Aviation,  Honeywell’s  latest
        is responsible for all strategic growth                                 programme with Inmarsat, will offer the
        initiatives across the region. In a                                     fastest global, most consistent wireless
        freewheeling interview with Jay Menon of                                connectivity coverage for airlines and
        Asian Airlines and Airports in Singapore                                passengers. “We are the exclusive
        recently, Greer says: Honeywell’s long-                                 suppliers to Inmarsat,” Greer says.
        term investments in the Asian marketplace                                  “It  is  anticipated that  product
        are paying off...Our operational goal is                                certifications  will  be  achieved  soon,
        to grow two times the gross domestic                                    followed by product introduction, which
        product (GDP) wherever we are.”                                         is expected during the first half of 2015,”
           “If over 20 years back, 70 per cent of                               Greer says.
        the growth came from developed nations                                     Honeywell’s  selection  as  the  exclusive
        for Honeywell, in the next two decades,                                 provider of hardware for Inmarsat’s GX
        70 per cent of revenue will come from                                   Aviation will impact the company’s Asia-
        developing countries,” Greer opines.                                    Pacific customers beginning 2015, he adds.
                                            Briand Greer, President, Honeywell
        With COMAC                          Aerospace Asia-Pacific              Long-term Plans
        From joint ventures  to supply systems                                  Honeywell has built a strong long-term
        to Commerical Aircraft Corporation                                      focus in China, allowing it to work with
        of China  COMAC’s C919 airliner, and   Greer says, adding that the company has   some of China’s biggest aviation players,
        highly  successful  trials  and  adoption   begun testing Air China’s A330 fleet.   such as COMAC, AVIC and the CAAC, he
        of  its  SmartPath  GBAS  satellite-based   “We have signed a memorandum of   says.”We expect a steady growth in China,
        airport landing systems, it has been an   understanding with Air China to begin   as the country is maturing.”
        exciting and tremendous year in China for   testing the GX Ka-band connectivity   Honeywell  aims  at  broadening  the
        Honeywell Aerospace, Greer says.    solution on the airline’s A330 aircraft in   degree of what it is doing in the region.
           “We recently turned the lights on”   the second quarter of 2015,” Greer says.  “China will drive economic gains,” he says.
        at Honeywell’s joint  venture to supply   Targeting both passenger aircraft and   The U.S. company plans to invest
        wheels and brakes for the C919 airliner,   business jets, GX Aviation is the first truly   US$2.8 billion over the next 20 years.
        and the second joint venture, to provide   global high-speed  in-flight  connectivity
        fly-by-wire flight control systems for   service that will provide data rates to the   Key Supplier
        the  single-aisle  aircraft  is  progressing...  aircraft of up to 50Mbps. Using GX Aviation,   In the last 100 years, Honeywell has helped
        China has entered the final assembly   passengers will be able to do everything   to write aviation history with its innovation,
        phase of building the large commercial   from real-time social media updates and   including advanced connectivity solutions,
        aircraft and we expect the first flight of   emails to live-streaming TV, all while in   IntuVue 3-D weather radar and leading
        the aircraft by end of 2015,” he informs.   flight, and from virtually anywhere in the   air traffic management (ATM) technology,
           Honeywell has also been selected by   world, over both land and sea.  which includes SmartPath ground-
        COMAC to  supply 131-9(C(C)  APU and   “We are on track to bring a new level   based augmentation system (GBAS),
        associated equipment for the aircraft.  of high-speed, in-fight connectivity to   SmartRunway and SmartLanding.
           “Our APU has proved to be highly   consumers and airlines around the world,
        reliable,  fuel  efficient,  and  quiet  in  the   regardless of whether it is a domestic or   IntuVue 3-D Weather Radar
        millions of hours of in-flight service that   international flight. In addition, we are   The IntuVue 3-D Weather Radar  comprise
        it has recorded to date,” he says.  actively working with several air transport   3-D display and analysis tools that
                                            and business aviation manufacturers to   provide pilots  with critical and accurate
        Onboard Wi-Fi                       provide GX Aviation and to enable a truly   information, so they can make the most
        Honeywell has also signed an agreement with   connected aircraft from gate to gate and   informed decisions when flying in extreme
        Air China to expand on-board Wi-Fi services,   from ground to over 40,000 feet,” Greer says  weather. “This system is available as an
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