Page 19 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Online Magazine
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        contravention of ICAO policies on taxation,   The unprecedented losses of Malaysian  Air Traffic Management and
        AAPA lamented.                      Airlines MH370 and MH17 this year raise a  Surveillance
            Urging governments to “carefully   number of important issues confronting   Recent  events  including  the
        consider the overall economic effects   the industry, including procedures related   unprecedented loss of Malaysian Airlines
        of putting  further financial  strain  on   to aircraft tracking, and governing flights   MH370 have highlighted difficulties in
        the travelling public  and the aviation   over conflict zones.          tracking and locating aircraft which have
        industry  and to refrain from increasing   Herdman commented, “As highlighted   lost contact or are in distress.
        the burden of aviation levies in any form,   by unprecedented aircraft losses this   As a result, the International Civil
        the association called upon governments   year, the industry always needs to remain   Aviation  Organisation  (ICAO)  has
        to  adhere  to  ICAO  policies  on  taxation   vigilant on safety.  It is critical to learn from   established a special ad hoc working
        and ensure such recommendations     these tragic events, with AAPA determined   group on aircraft tracking to review the
        are  followed  by all relevant taxation   to see practical improvements in the way   roles and responsibilities of governments,
        authorities, as well as to avoid imposing   in which intelligence about flying over   airlines, air navigation service providers
        unjustified  or  discriminatory  taxes  on   conflict  zones is shared by governments   and search and rescue authorities in both
        international aviation that impede mobility   with airlines.”           routine and non-routine aircraft tracking
        and damage global tourism and trade.                                    situations.
           Most economies across the Asia-  Flight Safety Information              Looking ahead, ICAO has established
        Pacific region continue to grow relatively  Exchange                    the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP),
        strongly, with the region’s dynamic and   Airlines and air navigation service   that provides guidance on further capacity
        innovative airlines having seen both   providers plan the most appropriate flight   and capability enhancements to global air
        passenger  and  freight  traffic  increase   routings through international airspace,   navigation, which will be progressively
        significantly over the past 12 months.   including operations over conflict zones.    implemented over the next 15 years.
        Prospects for further growth remain    AAPA urged governments to improve    AAPA has urged governments to
        positive,  with Asia  already  the world’s   efforts in the sharing of accurate   collaborate with relevant  stakeholders
        largest aviation market.            intelligence and information related   to strengthen and periodically test
           “For many, a return to profitability in   to flight safety on a global basis and   established  procedures  to  respond
        the near future is a particular challenge,   to support the development of an   effectively to aircraft lost or in distress. It
        which is not made any easier by the   augmented distribution system for the   has also asked aerospace manufacturers
        current series of economic and political   enhanced sharing of conflict zone risk   to develop improved location and data
        uncertainties prevailing around the world.”  information.               retrieval systems to expedite the recovery
                                               AAPA also called on governments   of flight data for accident investigations.
        Tackling Major Challenges           to take the necessary actions to identify
        Delegates gathered for this year’s   and bring to justice those accountable  Need for Better Infrastructure
        conference had reasons for  optimism for   for aggressive acts against civil aviation,   Although Asia-Pacific airlines continue
        the long term.  More immediately, however,   as well as strengthen international laws   to  invest  heavily  in  the  latest  generation
        airlines are focused on safety concerns.  and conventions governing the usage of   of fuel efficient aircraft to meet traffic
           “Safety  remains  the  industry’s  military weapons such as surface-to-air   growth demands, there is an increasing
        number one priority and although overall   weapons to avoid future attacks on civil   concern about the need for corresponding
        standards remain very high, Asia-Pacific   aviation.                    long term investments in related
        carriers are constantly striving to make   AAPA was referring to the shooting   aviation infrastructure, including airport
        further improvements and learn from the   down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over   terminals,  runways  and  air  navigation
        experience of any accident or incident,”   rebel-held eastern Ukraine in July this   services, AAPA observed.
        Herdman said.                       year.                                  “Governments have key roles to play
                                                                                in coordinating such investments and
                                                                                ensuring that the necessary regulatory
            AIR ASTANA JOINS AAPA            carriers,” AAPA technical director   oversight of the industry keeps pace with
            Kazakhstan-based Air Astana was   Martin Eran-Tasker said at the    growth,” he opined.
            formally welcomed as the 16th full   association’s 58th Assembly of
            member of the Association of Asia   Presidents meeting in Tokyo.       Among other resolutions, AAPA also
            Pacific Airlines (AAPA).         AAPA DG Andrew Herdman formally    urged  governments  and  other  agencies
           “We are looking to approach other   received Air Astana president Peter   including immigration,  customs and
            [potential airline members] and are   Foster to the association at the   health departments to play a key role in
            in discussions with other carriers in   opening of the Assembly.    all countries in facilitating the smooth
            the region, especially the emerging                                 flow of both air passengers and cargo.

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