Page 33 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2014 Online Magazine
P. 33


          Air India to sell B777, B787s
          National carrier Air India will sell five   confirmed, the official says. Etihad has   immediately lease the same back under
          long-haul Boeing 777 aircraft and seven   already announced plans to deploy   an operating lease for a period of 12
          additional Boeing 787 jets as part of its   the aircraft on long-haul routes June   years with an option to extend,” a request
          initiative to reduce costs and optimize   onwards although Air India and Etihad   for tender document says.
          revenue. “Air India has received approval   have not yet disclosed the financial   “The company will pay all the loans
          from India’s Cabinet Committee on   details of the agreement.        outstanding against these aircraft, which
          Economic Affairs (CCEA) to sell five   In a separate move, Air India has also   will reduce the interest and loan liability by
          wide-bodied Boeing 777 aircraft to Abu   invited bids for the sale and leaseback   US$60 million a year besides US$40 million
          Dhabi-based  Etihad  Airways,” a senior   of seven Boeing 787 aircraft in addition   by savings a year by way of maintenance
          government official says. The two   to the seven already sold and leased   costs,” a senior airline official says.
          airlines had signed a Letter of Intent   back earlier this year, according to the   Air India currently runs 11 Boeing 787
          in October for an undisclosed amount,   company’s tender document reviewed   aircraft and is expected to take delivery
          which was later approved by Air India’s   by AA&A. The airline will sell the seven   of three more in February from Boeing,
          board following which the deal was   787 aircraft to the “relevant lessor and   taking the total fleet to 14.

                                            Jet Airways ties up with Turkish Airlines
                                            Jet Airways (India) Ltd has entered into   Ravishankar Gopalakrishnan said. Debt
                                            a fresh aircraft leasing arrangement   was reported as US$1.9 billion as on
                                            with Turkish Airlines for three Airbus   September 30, 2013. For Q2, Jet Airways
                                            330-200 wide body jets. The company,   had reported a net loss of 9 billion
                                            which is 24% owned by Etihad Airways,   rupees. Of this, 1.23 billion rupees in
                                            will lease out three of its idle A330s to   losses were related to aircraft on ground.
                                            the Turkish carrier for six years. At the   Earlier, Jet was close to leasing out five
                                            end of Q2, Jet grounded five A330s and   aircraft to Kuwait Airlines, but the deal
                                            initiated discussions with players for   fell apart with the Kuwait government
                                            both an outright sale and long-term   suspending the flag carrier’s chairman,
                                            lease arrangements.                Sami Al-Nesif. Turkish Airlines and
                                            If the company is successful in an   Jet Airways have a long history of
                                            outright sale of these aircraft, its debt   commercial arrangements, as in 2010
                                            portfolio will shrink by US$200 million,   Turkish inked an agreement with Jet to
                                            the airline’s chief financial officer   take three Boeing 777s on lease.

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