Page 36 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2014 Online Magazine
P. 36



                                                                                Slowly growing
                                                                                Traffic figures from late last year show
                                                                                growth  in  international  passenger
                                                                                numbers and for the first time in ages,
                                                                                air cargo traffic too. According to Andrew
                                                                                Herdman, DG at the  AAPA), the region’s
                                                                                carriers registered a 6.7% increase in
                                                                                international passengers to 18.2 million
                                                                                in November, along with a 5.4% increase
                                                                                in international air cargo in freight tonne
                                                                                kilometres (FTK). “Looking ahead, Asian
                                                                                carriers remain positive about prospects
                                                                                for further growth in demand,” said
                                                                                Herdman. “Demand has picked up
         AirAsia still buying                                                   in recent months in line with steadily
          AirAsia X has placed a firm order for 25 A330-300s from Airbus. This is the largest   improving global economic conditions.”
          single purchase for A330s that Airbus has ever had, and bumps AAX’s outstanding
          order list to 51. “This order stamps our firm intent to dominate the long-haul, low
          cost carrier space,” said Tan Sri Tony Fernandes, CEO at AirAsia X. Fernandes said
          the aircraft would help the company expand in Malaysia and from its proposed new
          Thai AirAsia X hub and strengthen its connectivity between the long-haul and short-
          haul arms of its low-cost network. “The A330 is the perfect platform for [this], with
          the lowest operating costs, true long range capability and a proven track record,”
          added Fernandes.

                                             for 23 737-800s and 31 737 MAX 8s,
                                             with deliveries to begin later this year.
                                             The order, valued at US$4.9 billion   SuperJet flies  in
                                             list prices, will double Silk Air’s fleet
                                             by 2021. The carrier will take three   A third Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100)
                                             more A320s from Airbus, then switch   aircraft was recently delivered to
                                             completely to the Seattle maker.   Indonesia-based Sky Aviation. Serial
                                             Marvin Tan, CEO at SilkAir said “… the   number 95031 adds to the carrier’s two
                                             selection of the B737 follows detailed   existing SSJ100s, which have already
                                             evaluations and extensive negotiations   racked up some 1000 flight hours.
          New length of Silk                 with both Airbus and Boeing,” adding   Used for routes between airports such
          Singapore-based SilkAir has signed a   that the presence of a local Boeing   as Pontianak (Kalimatan), Palembang
          letter of intent to buy up to 68 737-variant   training facility  at  Singapore’s  Changi   (Sumatra) and Natuna Ranay (Batam),
          aircraft from Boeing. In something of   that could help with staff and pilot   the new aircraft will open extra capacity
          an unexpected switch from its Airbus   retraining had without doubt made the   to  Surabaya,  Denpasar,  Labuan  Bajo
          policy, the carrier placed firm  orders   deal more attractive.       and Kupang on Timor.

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