Page 37 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2014 Online Magazine
P. 37



          Adelaide loads up
          Australia-based  Adelaide  Airport
          Limited (AAL) has seen its recent
          push for international growth attract
          new carriers, such as  AirAsia X and
          Jetstar flying to Malaysia, New Zealand
          and  Indonesia  direct.  International
          passengers increased by 26.1% for
          Q4 2013, reflecting a 13.7% increase   T4 gets wave-off at Changi
          in capacity, following Emirates and   Changi Airport recently broke ground   orchid petal design, the new terminal
          Singapore Airlines’ increased flight   on the new Terminal 4 budget facility   will be built on the site of the previous
          numbers.  “International  growth  at   which will offer extensive self-service   Budget Terminal T4 will offer an
          Adelaide Airport continues to gain   and automated options to passengers.   expanded 17 stands for narrow-body
          momentum as more and more carriers   Facilities like check-in, bag drop,   aircraft and four for wide-bodies.
          see the potential,” said Mark Young,   immigration clearance and departure-  “Terminal 4 is set to challenge and
          MD at AAL. Domestic passengers     gate boarding will all be streamlined,   redefine  the  way  we  travel,”  said  Lee
          also grew 3.6% to 1.5 million, with   presumable to keep running costs   Seow Hiang, CEO of Changi Airport
          Adelaide – Melbourne route provided   down for operators. Inspired by an   Group.
          the largest contribution to growth with
          an additional 37,000 passengers (7.1%
          increase YOY).                                                                          the very heart
                                                                                                  of our 30-year
                                                                                                  vision to create
          Airports investing                                                                      the ‘airport of
          Airports increased their investment                                                     the    future’,”
          in information technology (IT) to US$6                                                  he noted. The
          billion in 2013, according to a survey                                                  operator plans
          by airport industry body Airports                                                       to  use   local
          Council International (ACI). The Airline                                                c ontr act or s
          Business Airport IT Trends Survey,                                                      where possible,
          completed by management specialists                                                     although it is
          SITA, reported that some 90% of airports                                                expected  that
          expect IT spending to either increase                                                   major  players
          or be stable in 2014, with a focus on                                                   from  Australia
          improving  passenger  experience.                                                       and  SE   Asia
          Around 80% of airports plan to invest   Kiwi upgrades                will be putting their hats in the ring.
          in business intelligence solutions for   Auckland Airport in New Zealand   “We plan to be able to appoint the
          help boost revenue. “Airports continue   has announced the next step in the   successful bidder by mid-April,” said
          to invest in information technology to   development of a new integrated   Matthews. The airport will create
          improve their operations and services.   terminal building. According to Graham   a “flexible facility” to ensure it can
          Our survey this year clearly shows that   Matthews, GM of development at   handle all aircraft types, such as the
          passengers are at the heart of this   Auckland, the upgrade will eventually   SIA A380. A new northern runway at
          investment,” said Francesco Violante,   cater for up to 40 million pax per year.   Auckland is due to become operational
          CEO, SITA.                         “The new integrated terminal is at   around 2025.

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