Page 34 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2014 Online Magazine
P. 34


        AIR SHOW

          SINGAPORE AIRSHOW 2014 – the big one.

         The last Singapore Airshow, in 2012,   significant contribution to the long-term   world the opportunity to discuss regional
         saw 135,000 visitors and delegates   sustainability of the industry and opens   security issues and solutions under the
         pass through the turnstiles at Changi’s   doors to key markets for both local and   theme of “Asian Security Dynamics and
         special Aviation Exhibition centre on   global companies.             the Role of Airpower”, among others.
         the Eastern tip of Singapore island. The   This year will feature special events   And for technology geeks, Singapore’s
         show directly generated deals to the   like the Singapore Airshow Aviation   scientific hothouse, A*STAR, will helm
         value of more than US$31billion – three   Leadership  Summit  (SAALS).  This  the Aerospace Technology Leadership
         times that of the previous show in 2010.   will bring together key global aviation   Forum to bring leaders from major
         This year should see records broken   stakeholders  including  airlines,  aerospace companies such as leading
         again,  with  more  than  900  exhibitors,   manufacturers, operators, regulators   commercial  aircraft  manufacturers,
         hundreds   of  official  delegations  and  government  officials  to  workshop   engine manufacturers, systems and
         from more than 50 countries, and an   issues such as regulatory support,   components  houses  and  aviation
         increase on 2012’s 44,000+ were trade   sustainability,  and the  balance needed   maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO)
         delegates,  with  a  large  proportion  of   for seamless connectivity. Speakers will   companies share their insights on the
         those from overseas.                include Lui Tuck Yew, Singapore Minister   challenges and directions of research
            According to Jimmy Lau (above    for Transport, as well as Tony Tyler, IATA   and development in commercial aviation.
         right), MD of organising company    CEO. The APSEC (Asia Pacific Security   The  show’s  conference  aspect  alone
         Experia Events, Singapore’s economy   Conference) gathering will also give high-  promises to be a major attraction – and
         overall also benefitted from the event to   level delegations from defence officials,   that’s without all the new hardware
         the  tune  of  some  US$170  million-plus   military personnel, academics, analysts   and services exhibitors displaying their
         in indirect revenues. These came from   and industry leaders from around the   wares and expertise.
         visitors for accommodation, eating out,
         relaxing and transport. And, Lau added,
         with a very high level of repeat bookings   The Americans are coming
         for this year, it looks like exhibitors are   Singapore Airshow 2014 will see the largest US presence yet with more
         continuing  to  find  value  in  showcasing   than 150 U.S. companies overall, and 70 in the U.S. pavilion. Kirk Wagar, the
         their innovations and technologies at   U.S. Ambassador to Singapore said, “The United States is very proud to be
         the event.                             Feature Country at the 2014 Singapore Airshow.  We have a rich history in
                                                both commercial and military aviation and look forward to demonstrating
            “The networking and business        the best in American aviation here.” The U.S. Department of Commerce and
         opportunities  that  Singapore  Airshow   Department of Defence will be working closely with the business community
         provides for the region and beyond     to highlight American participation at the new U.S. Business Forum for
         make it a critical part of the ecosystem   American exhibitors in order to capitalise on Singapore’s standing as Asia’s
         of Singapore’s aviation and aerospace   aviation hub, say the US representatives.
         industry,” he said, noting that it makes a

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