Page 17 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2015 Online Magazine
P. 17


                                                                                An ecstatic Didier Esteyne,
                                                                                E-Fan designer and test
                                                                                pilot after the historic
                                                                                Channel crossing in the all-
                                                                                electric aircraft

        development and manufacture of the   and weigh 167 Kg as compared to 130 Kg   propulsion system will be installed on
        world’s first all-electric aircraft certified   for the older batteries. However, a strict   the E-Fan flying prototype. Initial testing
        to international airworthiness standards.”   weight saving regimen allowed overall   of the concept system on a ground-
        Entry into service for the all-electric   aircraft weight to be reduced by 38 Kg.   based platform is already underway. A
        airplane is planned for 2018. Flight tests   Two E-Fan aircraft were on display   successful arrangement here will enable
        with E-Fan have generated a substantial   at the Paris Air Show this year and they   the development of E-Fan 4.0, a follow-on
        amount of data and over 100 flights have   generated plenty of interest during their   production version envisioned as a four
        been completed since its maiden flight   maiden appearance at Le Bourget. On   seater. Final assembly of the E-Fan 2.0 and
        in  March  2014.  Two  important  changes   display were the E-Fan 2.0 mock-up and   E-Fan 4.0 will take place at the ‘Factory of
        that emerged as a result of the flight   the E-fan flying prototype. The full scale   the Future’ in south-western France at
        tests were the need for more powerful   mock-up of the            E-Fan 2.0 on display,   Pau Pyrénées Airport. “As a digital factory,
        batteries, which would be heavier and the   emulated the family look from its much   it will serve to validate technological
        resultant need to reduce aircraft weight.   larger Airbus stablemates; the A350   ‘bricks’ on small scale that could be used
        Both requirements arose from the need   commercial jetliner and H160 helicopter.   elsewhere within the Airbus Group: in
        to cater for the longer flight time of a   The mock-up also showcased a unique   building jetliners for Airbus or rotorcraft
        Channel crossing.                   cockpit layout which comprised of two   for Airbus Helicopters, as examples,” said
           The new battery technology that came   tablet devices that act as cockpit displays   Jean Botti, Airbus Group Chief Technical
        about, increased the flight time from 30   and  can be  removed from  the aircraft   Officer, while announcing the site in May.
        to  53  minutes.  Coming  up  with  the  new   before  or  after  a  flight  for  pilot  briefing   Annual production rates are planned at
        batteries required was hardly a simple   and debriefing.               10 a year in the initial stages. Being an
        matter; three organizations: CEA Tech   Planned future variants will look at   ‘electric aircraft’ E-Fan, will have zero
        (the French Atomic Energy and Alternative   enabling longer flight durations. This   in-flight carbon dioxide emissions and
        Energy Commission’s technology research   would  require  a  “range  extender,”  that   substantially reduced noise levels.
        unit); Airbus Defense and Space, and   not only supplies power during the
        Airbus Group Innovation were involved   cruise phase of the flight but also allows
        in the development of the new lithium-  the batteries to recharge. This will help
        ion  batteries.  The  new  battery  array,   increase  the  range  of  the  airplane.
        comprises of 2,982 cells, each having a   Airbus Group Innovation is leading an
        capacity of 2.8 amperes per hour. The   industry team, which is now running a
        older lithium-polymer battery array, had   ground-based hybrid testbed where a
        120 flat cells each with a capacity of 40   thermal (internal combustion) engine
        amperes per hour. The batteries for E-Fan   complements the on-board batteries for
        are located in the in-board wing sections   providing energy. As a next step, a hybrid
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                                 JULY / AUGUST 2015  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  17
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