Page 19 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2015 Online Magazine
P. 19


        related services such as seats and meals,                               readily embraced dynamic packages
        along with non-air products such as hotel                               because of the flexibility and control that
        and insurance in the booking path.”                                     it offers them. The adoption of these types
           Kieron Branagan, Managing Director                                   of service offerings is comparable to the
        at OpenJaw in a recent interview                                        initial response British Airways received
        to Jay Menon of Asian Airlines and                                      from their customers in their introduction
        Airports says, travellers will now have                                 of these same dynamic packages.  
        access to thousands of hotel reviews                                       By incorporating dynamic packaging,
        and ratings provided via integration                                    Cathay Pacific is now able to offer customers
        with TripAdvisor. Customers can also                                    more compelling fanfares and promotions
        earn rewards on the Marco Polo Club                                     through fully formed package holidays via
        frequent flyer program and Asia Miles                                   their mailshots - while offering the flexibility
        travel reward program.  “OpenJaw                                        and convenience of the customer choosing
        has a strong history of delivering                                      their own flight times and tailoring the hotel
        innovation in travel redemption and we                                  to their needs.
        are delighted to extend our expertise                                       
        to  Asia  Miles  and to add a market-                                   AAA: Are the launches with Cathay
        leading reward programme in Asia to our                                 and Hainan replacing other retailing
        portfolio,” he says.                                                    strategy or is it in complement to other
                                                                                retailing offerings like duty-free?
        Excerpts from the interview:        seats, in an effort to counteract greatly   Branagan:  Travel  retailing  dramatically
                                            reduced margins.                    extends and enhances existing strategy.
        AAA: How have APAC carriers            The difference between this approach   In the case of Hainan, aside from
        embraced travel retailing to date?  and travel retailing is strategy. Travel   being able to fully retail and service
        Branagan: When considering the history   retailers  look to  address more  of a   flight products, the t-Retail platform
        of flight distribution, travel retailing is   customer’s need by retailing a larger   also enables Hainan to offer other travel
        a relatively new concept. We consider   range  of  travel  products  (e.g.  air   products - such as hotels, cars, events,
        its initial adoption by carriers in Europe   ancillaries, on-board products and ground   air ancillaries and packaged products -
        to have begun with  British Airways  -   products) across the entire customer   through multiple channels. The platform
        leading the way with the introduction of   journey. Successful travel retailers also   also offers them the ability to control their
        the dynamic packaging of hotel and car   think about getting these products to   products, channels, and business model
        products through a passenger’s flight   the right customers at the right time, in   in real-time. 
        ticket. The significant success of airlines   order to carve out a greater share of the   For example, at the core of the t-Retail
        such as British Airways has inspired other   customer wallet.           platform lies a powerful merchandising
        carriers to follow suit and adopt a travel   We are seeing an increased level of   rules engine that enables Hainan business
        retailing mind set which looks beyond   interest in travel retailing in China for two   users  to  author  and  deploy  practices
        the flight ticket to serving more of the   main reasons. First is the consumer trend   in order to follow a specific business
        customers’ total travel needs.      that is straying away from packaged tours   model– as many  times a day as needed.
           As APAC boasts some of the worlds   and towards adopting a more independent   With these rules, Hainan is now able to
        most admired airlines in terms of brand and   style of travel. This has led to consumers   independently manage its own product
        passion for innovation, it is of no surprise   looking to create their own itineraries.   propositions (e.g. inventory, availability,
        that there is a significant level of interest in   Secondly, many of the traditional Chinese   price, product biasing etc.) according to
        travel retailing coming from  the Asia and   carriers are facing enormous competitive   market demands and opportunities.
        Pacific region. Testament to this significant   pressures from Low Cost Carriers (LCCs)   In the case of Cathay Pacific, the t-Retail
        level of interest, are our recent ‘go live’ with   - due to Chinese Government regulations   Platform has introduced ground ancillary
        Cathay Pacific and Hainan Airlines.  in favour of such carriers. Such pressure   (e.g. hotels) merchandising and dynamic
                                            is leading traditional carriers to look   packaging for Cathay Pacific Airways and
        AAA: Is the shift in interest to    for additional streams of revenue and   Dragonair. The t-Retail Platform enables
        offering more retail options at     is fuelling a growing appetite for travel   Cathay Pacific passengers to access
        the point of booking stronger in    retailing technology in China.      hundreds of thousands of hotel choices,
        some countries than others?                                             with  reviews  and  ratings  provided  via
        Branagan: Today, most airlines retail   AAA: How are APAC consumers     integration with TripAdvisor. It provides
        more options at the time of booking, for   responding to dynamic packaging?  the ability to dynamically package the best
        example carry-on bags and premium   Branagan:  Consumers in APAC have   available airfares and hotels.
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