Page 23 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2015 Online Magazine
P. 23


           “This new order further reaffirms   the fleet size to 137. “From fiscal 2016,   Currently all aircraft possessed by
        IndiGo’s commitment to the long-    all A320neo family aircraft deliveries   IndiGo carry the V-2527-A5 variant of the
        term  development of  affordable  air   will be made under our 2011 purchase   V2500 SelectOne engine manufactured by
        transportation in India and overseas,”   agreement with Airbus,” he adds.  IAE, and, upon delivery, all of the A320neo
        says Aditya Ghosh, President of IndiGo.  Current Composition of Fleet   aircraft in its 2011 order will utilize Pratt
           A Memorandum of Understanding    As of April 30, 2015, IndiGo’s fleet consisted   & Whitney engines.
        (MoU) for 250 aircraft at a list price of $25.7   of 96 Airbus A320 aircraft. All the 100 A320   The airline has a young fleet, with an
        billion was signed last October. However,   aircraft ordered from Airbus in June 2005   average age of 3.26 years as of April 30,
        in  its  draft red  herring  prospectus  filed   were delivered by November 3, 2014, two   2015.  In order to maintain a young fleet,
        with the Securities and Exchange Board of   years ahead of the initially scheduled   the airline has entered into short-term
        India in June this year, the airline had said   final delivery date. The airline additionally   operating leases with terms generally
        the MoU had lapsed.                 placed  a  firm  order  with  Airbus  for  180   ranging from three to six years.
           Elucidating the delivery and return   A320neo aircraft in June 2011.    Also, to meet expansion needs, it has
        schedules of the airline’s aircraft and   “We believe that the magnitude of our   extended the operating leases of 24 of
        expected fleet size through fiscal 2018, the   2005  and 2011  aircraft  orders helped  us   its current aircraft as of March 31, 2015,
        official says this year the airline will add   to negotiate favourable terms with Airbus   seven of which had been scheduled to be
        17 aircraft, including the final seven A320s   and our other aircraft-related suppliers   redelivered to its lessors in fiscal 2015.
        under a 2005 purchase agreement and 10   and service providers, which provides
        A320s under a 2014 lease of aircraft.  us with a structural cost advantage by   Delivery Schedule
           In 2016 also the airline “anticipate” to   reducing the overall costs associated   “We have also leased 12 aircraft previously
        include 17 more aircraft and take its fleet   with the  acquisition,  maintenance and   leased by Tiger Airways with an average
        size to 111. This includes the final two A320s   operation of our aircraft,” says the official.  age of 2.5 years on short term leases
        under a 2014 lease of 12 aircraft previously   The airline says it is also entitled to   of 3.5 to four years. In addition to these
        leased by Tiger Airways, both of which have   receive certain incentives from engine and   12 aircraft, we expect to add another six
        been delivered, anticipated six additional   component providers, which are granted   previously used aircraft before March
        used aircraft and nine A320neos under its   at the time of delivery of each aircraft   2016,” the official says.
        2011 purchase agreement with Airbus.  and  upon  the  achievement  of  certain   Airbus has delivered 100 aircraft to
           “Fleet figures and delivery and   milestones. “We have the option to apply   IndiGo from the commencement of its
        return schedules are subject to potential   these incentives towards credit for any   operations in 2006, 84 of which remain
        advancements and deferrals  of aircraft   payments due to the engine manufacturers   in its fleet as of April 30, 2015. Of the
        deliveries and the terms of our leases   or to receive these incentives in cash from   100 aircraft delivered by Airbus, as of
        with various third-party lessors,” the   the engine manufacturers at the time of   November 3, 2014, 77 were on operating
        official indicates.                 aircraft delivery. Historically, we have   leases, 17 were on European Export
           The airline expects to take delivery of   received these incentives substantially in   Credit Agency backed finance leases, five
        12 aircraft in 2017 and 14 in 2018 taking   the form of cash,” the official says.  were on IAE-backed finance leases and
                                                                                one was purchased with internal funds.
                                                                                   Of its fleet of 96 aircraft as of April 30,
                                                                                2015, 22 are on finance leases and 74 are
                                                                                on operating leases, including 12 aircraft
                                                                                on short-term operating leases which
                                                                                were previously leased by Tiger Airways.
                                                                                   The purchase agreement for our 2011
                                                                                order has secured a series of scheduled
                                                                                deliveries from November 2015 to
                                                                                November 2023, subject  to any delivery
                                                                                advancements  or  deferrals  which  may
                                                                                be  negotiated  with  Airbus.  “We  are  not
                                                                                scheduled to receive any further deliveries
                                                                                from Airbus until the first A320neo under
                                                                                our 2011 order with Airbus is delivered to
                                                                                us in this November.
                                                                                   “We expect these deliveries to increase
                                                                                our  operating  fleet  to  approximately
                                                                                111 aircraft, net of retirements, by the
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