Page 27 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2015 Online Magazine
P. 27


        most innovative financial programme   E190-E2, is beginning to be assembled   these are the only large segments that
        which will help our customers,” he added.  at the company’s factory in São José dos   will not be manufactured by Embraer.
           Further, Superjet is also formulating   Campos,  a senior company official says.   In Brazil, at the Botucatu plant,
        other financing models with leasing    Embraer has already received the first   Embraer has already produced a series
        companies, which are very attractive and   sub-assemblies from suppliers in several   of components for the wings, central
        competitive.                        countries and the assembly of the first   fuselage one and two, besides the finish
           “These programmes will help us in   prototype is moving forward as planned.  of the forward fuselage; this segment is
        overcoming the difficulties in penetrating   “It is exciting to see the E2 taking shape   in the final assembly stage in São José
        the markets, and in creating conditions   with the large amount of sub-sets arriving   dos Campos. All of these structures will
        conducive to attract the lessors,”   to our São José dos Campos facility, where   be highly automated in the manufacturing
        Cauceglia said.                     the final assembly will soon begin,” says   stages.
           The  finance  package  initiated  by   Luís Carlos Affonso, Senior Vice President   Eleb,  an  Embraer  wholly  owned
        Superjet recently won the Export Credit   & COO, Embraer Commercial Aviation.   subsidiary, with 35 years of experience
        Deal of the Year Award from Air Finance   At the show, Embraer announced new   in designing and manufacturing landing
        Journal.                            orders from four customers for 50 aircraft   gear, was chosen to supply the landing
           Cauceglia also said UAC and Alenia’s   of its E-Jet and E-Jet E2 families, as well   gear of the second-generation E-Jets, and
        parent company, Finmeccanica, are   as options and other commitments from   it is working to conclude the first sets.
        holding talks to discuss a  possible   two of the customers for 35 additional   Testing is also moving ahead at an
        restructuring of the Superjet International   E-Jets.                   accelerated pace. At the Eugênio de Melo
        joint venture.                         Embraer also indicated on June 15   plant,  the  different  static  test  rigs  are
           UAC continues to enjoy strong    that it expected existing options on 18   working and allowing Embraer to develop
        support from the Russian government   more E-Jets to be converted to firm orders   such systems as fly-by-wire, with laws
        for a program whose slow sales last year   soon.                        and codes that are being developed by
        contributed to another year of financial   Leading Embraer’s first-day order   the company, itself, and the integrated
        losses–around  US$72.5  million  on  bonanza was leasing company Aircastle   functions with other aircraft structures.
        revenues of US$567.8 million.       Limited subsidiary  Aircastle Holding   The E-Jets E2 program reinforces
           “Certainly,  penetrating  competitive   Corporation,  which  announced  a  firm   Embraer’s commitment to continuously
        markets needs some restructuring.   order for 25 E-Jet E2s (15 E190-E2s and   invest in the company’s line of commercial
        Thoughts are on and one of the areas   10 E915-E2s) and purchase rights on 25   jets and to maintain leadership in the 70
        being  discussed  is  the  unification  of  the   more. China’s Colorful Guizhou Airlines   to  130-seat  aircraft  segment.  Embraer’s
        commercial structure. The process has   has  ordered  seven  E190s  firm  plus  10   E-Jets E2s have state-of-the-art Pratt &
        started and we are much closer towards   options; SkyWest has ordered eight E172s   Whitney PurePowerTM Geared Turbofan
        an integration,” he added.          that  will operate with  Alaska Airlines,   high by-pass ratio engines (PW1700G on
           Though he conceded that the market   adding to the seven ordered in November   the E175-E2, PW1900G  on the E190-E2
        is currently stagnating, Cauceglia said,   2014; and United Express has ordered 10   and E195-E2).
        “there are clear signs of recovery and I   E175 aircraft.                 Combined with new aerodynamically
        expect dynamic movement soon.”         The first delivery of an E-Jets E2 (the   advanced wings, full fly-by-wire flight
           He was also confident that the SSJ100   E190-E2) is planned for the first semester   controls, and improvements to other
        will be able to compete in a market, that   of 2018. The E195-E2 is scheduled to enter   systems, the E2s will deliver significant
        is saturated with similar aircraft from   service in 2019 and the E175-E2 in 2020.   reductions in fuel burn, maintenance
        various airframes.                     At Embraer’s plant in the city of Évora,   costs, emissions, and external noise.
           “We have a good product, comparable   Portugal, the first sub-assemblies for
        to the A320, and we believe with the kind   the wings and central fuselage are ready.
        of offers we have we can catch at least   In Spain, Aernnova AEROSPACE S.A. is
        15%-20% of the market which will have   finishing the assembly of the vertical
        a demand for 4000 aircraft in the 90-  empennage – the company will also
        120 seats category in the next 20 years,”   supply the horizontal empennage. In the
        Cauceglia said.                     Czech Republic, Latecoere finished the
                                            baggage doors and they have already been
        Embraer Begins Assembling           sent to Brazil to be installed in the aircraft.
        First E190-E2                          In the United States, Triumph
        Two years after the launch of the   Aerostructures, which is also responsible
        program, at the Air Show in Le Bourget,   for the rudder and elevator, is assembling
        Paris, the first of the E-Jets E2 family, an   section tree and the aft of the fuselage;
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                                 JULY / AUGUST 2015  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  27
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