Page 31 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2015 Online Magazine
P. 31


          Airbus BizLab to Support Five
          The Airbus BizLab, a global aerospace   IAG to Add 31 New Airbus Jetliners
          business  accelerator  has  announced   Airbus has announced an order from the   great pride when one of our biggest and
          the selection of its first five start-  International Airlines Group (IAG) for 31   most influential customers recognizes
          ups, out of 150 applications received   airplanes.  As  part  of  its  modernisation   the superior operating economics and
          worldwide. “We are very satisfied with   effort and drive to open new long-  passenger experience of our aircraft”,
          the success of this first call for projects.   haul routes, along with needs for fleet   said John Leahy, Chief Operating Officer
          The quality of the projects has made   replacement, IAG will add 11 wide-body   – Customers. “The repeat selection of the
          the selection process tougher than   aircraft (eight A350-900s, three A330-  A320neo is also a great endorsement of the
          expected,  which  is  good  news,”  said   200s) and 20 A320neos.    world’s preferred single aisle Family among
          Bruno Gutierres, Head of BizLab. “The   “IAG’s additional order for A350s   the world’s most prestigious carriers.”
          challenging  phase  of  transforming   and  A330s  is  very  significant  for  us  and   Including this latest order for 31
          ideas into reality begins and we can’t   highlights the appeal of our leading   aircraft IAG and its airlines have ordered
          really wait”.                     wide-body Family. It always fills us with   nearly 450 aircraft from Airbus.
            These “early-stage” projects will
          receive a “six month mentoring and
          acceleration  programme, to speed up   Honeywell’s FANS for Falcon 900 Series
          the process to transform the ideas into   Honeywell Aerospace    is making  it   technology into existing hardware,
          credible businesses,” said an Airbus   easier for Dassault customers to meet   instead of completely upgrading cockpit
          group release. The selected projects   the Federal Aviation Administration’s   systems, which makes meeting the 2020
          will be provided an office space by   upcoming safety mandates  with a  new   mandates deadline more cost-effective.
          Airbus and also be able to make us   Future Air Navigation System (FANS)   The FANS system also equips Falcon
          of prototyping and test facilities. The   aftermarket certification. With the   900 and 900B pilots to take advantage of
          selected start-ups will have a dedicated   certification, all Falcon 900 and 900B   the North Atlantic Track System — the
          mentor and the opportunity to interact   operators will be able to easily upgrade   trans-Atlantic flight paths set every day
          with Airbus expects across domains   existing cockpit technologies with the   based on wind conditions — to optimize
          such as technology, legal, finance,   communication and navigation system,   flight time and fuel savings, and help
          marketing, etc.                    enabling them to fly more efficient   lower operational costs.
            To help the start-ups in their   routes and save fuel.                The FANS system upgrade is part of
          quest to make the projects a reality,   This certification for the Falcon   the Dassault Falcon Select II program
          Airbus will organize a dedicated demo   900 series marks a milestone for   for  the Falcon  900  and 900B, and  is
          day, where Airbus decision makers,   legacy aircraft as it becomes the first   available to operators now. Honeywell
          partners, subsidiaries and customers   aftermarket-certified FANS system for   is also planning on aftermarket
          will be present and venture capital will   Honeywell legacy cockpits. Operators   certification for other legacy aircraft for
          also be offered.                   will now be able to retrofit compliant   this FANS mandate.

                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                                 JULY / AUGUST 2015  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  31
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