Page 33 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2015 Online Magazine
P. 33


          Embraer’s Legacy 450 Receives
          Brazilian Certification
          The  Embraer  Legacy  450  mid-light
          executive jet has been granted its
          type certificate, by the Brazilian Civil
          Aviation Agency (Agência Nacional de
          Aviação Civil – ANAC). Embraer has
          said that it expects Federal Aviation
          Administration  (FAA)  in  the  upcoming
          weeks, followed by European Aviation
          Safety Agency (EASA) later.        First H135 Configured for Offshore Hoisting Duties Delivered
            “We are especially thrilled with the   Airbus Helicopters has delivered the   at Airbus Helicopters. “It is ready to
          Legacy 450 certification, delivering   first offshore hoisting configured H135,   join other rotorcraft in our product
          on our commitment to reach this   to HTM Helicopter Travel Munich GmbH.   lines that are proving their capabilities
          milestone just one year after the Legacy   The helicopter will be operated by HTM   every day in flights for the offshore oil
          500,” said Humberto Pereira, Vice   to  serve  offshore  windfarms  in  the   and gas industry around the world.”
          President, Engineering and Technology,   German Bight. The company already   “We look forward to the H135
          Embraer.  “The  Legacy  450  introduces   operates five EC135 P2+ helicopters,   joining our inventory. With its increased
          true innovation in its class. This is   which are  based along  the North  Sea   OEI performance and the additional
          also  a  reward  for  our  teams’  passion   coastline and will add as many as eleven   equipment features offered it is the
          and dedication to bring this truly   H135s by early next year.       perfect  complement to our  existing
          revolutionary  aircraft to market, and I   “As  wind  turbines  gain  an  fleet complying already with future
          congratulate  each  team  member  for   increasingly  important  role  in  offshore requirements. The EC135 fleet
          this achievement.”                renewable energy, the new H135     has proven its reliability and safety with
            “We are very pleased to confirm   is ready to support highly cost-  a perfect availability static in offshore
          that all Legacy 450 design goals have   effective and efficient implementation,   operation since 2009 having flown more
          been achieved or exceeded,” said   development and maintenance of    than 6.000 hours with more than 25.000
          Marco Túlio Pellegrini, President and   offshore wind farms,” said Axel   hoist cycles” said Bernd Brucherseifer,
          CEO,  Embraer  Executive  Jets.  “This   Humpert, Head of the H135 program   Managing Director at HTM.
          aircraft is also a game changer in the
          mid-light segment. With better speed,
          range  and  field  performance  than   Cessna Citation M2 Gets  Airport Certification
          originally planned, the Legacy 450   Cessna’s Citation M2 business jet    The Citation M2 can now operate
          sets a new standard for its class.” Two   has received certification allowing its   with non-stop reach from various
          prototype Legacy 450s were involved   operation at airports with an elevation   locations in Latin America, such as
          in the certification process, with the   up to 14,000 feet. “Further proving the   La Paz, Bolivia, to Quito, Ecuador;
          first being equipped with flight test   Citation M2 is unmatched in its class,   La Paz to Sao Paulo, Brazil; or La
          instruments  and  the  second  outfitted   it now holds high-elevation airport   Paz to Buenos Aires, Argentina. The
          with production-conforming interior.   certification,” said Chris Hearne, vice   Citation M2 has been a strong seller,
          Production of the first Legacy 450   president, Jets. “This allows customers   with more than 70 jets having been
          has already begun, with the maiden   operating out of high-elevation airports,   delivered since December 2013. The
          delivery slated for the fourth quarter of   like many found throughout Latin   100th airplane will be delivered later
          this year.                         America, to do more with their aircraft.”  this year.

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