Page 34 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2015 Online Magazine
P. 34


                         Aerospace Manufacturing in India

                         Set to Grow Phenomenally

                         By Dr. Biswadip Shome

        THE  GLOBAL  AEROSPACE  SECTOR  is   minimum opportunity for domestic   coupled with its’ expertise in product
        growing at an enormous rate and studies   entities  is  worth  $75  billion,  given  the   development will help global aerospace
        indicate  that Asia-Pacific will  lead the   30% offset requirement, according to the   organizations realize their India pie.
        world in air traffic by 2032, overtaking   Edelweiss Securities report. The defense   According  to  the  International  Air
        Europe and North America. Today, a fifth of   sector has been planning to induct new   Transport Association (IATA), the global
        the population in emerging markets take   generation aircrafts and the government   airline industry continues to grow rapidly
        a flight annually, but by 2032 this number   is accelerating the procurement process.   doubling the industry revenue of US$369
        will  rise  to  two-thirds  of  the  population   Such procurements are governed by the   Billion in 2004 to a projected US$746
        as global passenger numbers more than   offset clause and will help to bring in   Billion in 2014.  Airbus predicts that the
        double to 6.7 billion. The domestic demand   foreign investment. Also, due to the high   worldwide fleet will double to around
        in emerging economies will grow sharply   focus on the ‘Make in India’ campaign,   36,500 aircraft and by the same date,
        too, with India forecasted to grow at the   new opportunities are expected to help   other estimate that  more than 24,000
        fastest rate (nearly 10 per cent), followed   grow the Indian market.   business jets, 5,800 regional aircraft and
        by China and Brazil (both 7 per cent).   The overall pie for outsourcing will   40,000 helicopters will also be required
           India’s $12 billion defense market is   continue to increase  as a  percentage   and the growth is predominantly driven
        expected to continue its strong growth   of the defense spend; however, it is   by emerging markets. This will usher
        trajectory through 2023 and capital   expected to decline in absolute terms   in large opportunity in the MRO space
        spending is expected to reach $18-  as global aircraft integrators and their   spread  across  Aircraft  Engine  MRO,
        $20 billion, which would be the second   tiered suppliers are consolidating and   HMV / Mod MRO, Component MRO and
        highest growth rate among the top 15   optimizing  engineering,  manufacturing   Line MRO. Services to the MRO space
        countries ranked by defense spending.   and customer support processes to   have been the focus area for Tata
        With  Prime  Minister,  Narendra  Modi   service the order pipeline efficiently.  Technologies for some time now. Their
        pushing to reduce import dependence    Competing  with  global  and  Indian   MRO customers have started realizing
        in  defense equipment and ‘buy  Indian’   ESO players for deals in the aerospace   the value that we add by leveraging our
        equipment,  India’s  likely  defense  domain and being one of the largest   Engineering and Enterprise Solutions
        outlay is estimated at $248 billion   Indian  pure  play  engineering  services   expertise and Aerospace experience.
        over the next 10 years, according to   and solutions provider working with the   Tata  Technologies’  demonstrated
        an Edelweiss Securities report. The   top ten aerospace OEMs and Tier-1’s;   expertise in engineering competence,
        Indian  government  has  also  approved   Tata Technologies delivers reliable and   core  product  development,
        various programs worth over Rs.1 lakh   optimized solutions for aero structures,   manufacturing engineering, knowledge
        crore, with almost 70% earmarked for   aero  interiors,  aero-systems,  and  of  various  engineering  processes,
        the ‘buy’ category, which makes this   aero-engines  across  engineering  product life cycle management tools
        is a significant opportunity for both   analysis and modeling, continuous   and  evolving  enterprise  IT  Solutions
        foreign and Indian players. The defense   engineering support, core product   is helping address various issues
        segment has some niche windows of   design and development, manufacturing   and  making  companies  realize  the
        growth  opportunities  that  have  been   engineering, manufacturing and repair   opportunities  across  the  various
        created, mostly as a result technological   concessions justification, aftermarket   sectors. For Global customers, Tata
        evolutions and radical innovations being   and MRO Support, embedded systems,   Technologies provides unique access to
        pursued and delivered by the industry   product lifecycle management and   the Tata Ecosystem that offers solutions
        value chain.                        enterprise solutions.               for the entire value chain in Aerospace &
           Currently India’s defense offset    The  recent  thrust  in  product  Defence domain.
        policy mandates that foreign contractors   localization of our defense requirements
        source  components  and  systems  from   and the government emphasis on Offsets
        local vendors for at least 30% of the   is throwing up opportunities hitherto   Dr. Biswadip Shome is Head of
        value  of  orders  worth  more  than  Rs.   unexpected and again Tata Technologies   Aerospace – Engineering & Design, Tata
        300 crore that they get from India. The   experience with leading aerospace OEMs   Technologies.
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