Page 11 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2015 Online Magazine
P. 11


           One pilot (Hamilton 2005) said that   out of which combat operations were   world renowned, USC Aviation Safety
        “aviators are notorious for avoiding flight   being conducted. The fifth squadron was   and Security Program, after reviewing an
        surgeons and would disavow the very   a composite of pilots from two stateside   early draft of this article opined that it be
        existence  of  mental  health  professionals   bases who were not involved in combat   considered as “a bold and unprecedented
        if given the opportunity. Both occupations   missions at the time of the survey. The   pilot study of pilot stress.
        (flight surgeons and mental health   study came up with disturbing results. For   He also notes that  different people
        professionals)  represent  a threat to a   example of 57 fighter pilots, 89 per cent   handle stress differently and some
        pilot‘s flying status.”             reported insomnia, 86 per cent irritability,   “better” than others, but we need to
           Of great concern, a number of    63 per cent reported dissatisfaction,   minimise the amount of stress pilots are
        research papers have found that those   61 per cent fatigue, 58 per cent  self-  subjected to. “And there is a wide variation
        pilots experiencing life-stressors may be   accusation, 47 per cent work difficulty,   in conditions and workload at LCCs,” said
        more liable to commit errors because they   38 per cent pessimism, 38 per cent guilt,   Professor Meshkati.
        are likely to be thinking about the stressor   and 35 per cent loss  of libido. But there   The final words go to famous US writer
        rather than devoting all of their cognitive   was a fascinating twist. The results were   and producer Jane Wagner who said;
        resources to the task at hand. A senior   no different between the pilots in combat   “Reality is the leading cause of stress
        U.S. Air Force flight surgeon (Neubauer,   and those stateside! And disturbingly the   amongst those in touch with it.”
        1999) suggests that, while pilots may have   results indicate low levels of depression.  The “reality” is that being a pilot is
        some ability to keep life-stressors from   And depressed is how Captain Lindsay   one of the most stressful jobs, most LCCs
        entering the cockpit and interfering with   typifies the mood of pilots with LCCs.   are under time stress, the industry is
        performance, each also has a level of   “Pilots are saying they are burnt out. I   constantly under financial stress and life
        stress or a specific stressor that is likely   hear guys saying ‘I don’t care anymore. I   is far more stressful. Not a good cocktail.
        to significantly interfere with this ability to   don’t care if I take too much fuel; I don’t   Which begs the question has the
        compartmentalise.                   care if I am running late – I am over it.’”   inexorable drive for lower and lower fares
           A fascinating study done by Parsa and   Captain Lindsay however adds “our   gone too far?
        Kapadia  (1997)  attempted  to  document   professionalism is what keeps us going
        the occurrence of symptoms of excessive   but is the price our sanity?”
        stress by surveying a group of U.S. Air   Prof Meshkati, who has been teaching   Aircraft vapour trails across
        Force fighter pilots from five squadrons,   and conducting research on human factors   the sky over Frankfurt.
        four of which were stationed at bases   in aviation safety for last 25 years at the   PHOTO: Geoffrey Thomas
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                                   MAY / JUNE 2015  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  11
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