Page 12 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2015 Online Magazine
P. 12


        Survival of the Fittest

        The reality is there is no such thing as a level playing field in aviation
        By geoffrey Thomas
                                            THE CURRENT HEATED DEBATE BETWEEN      For instance the US airlines have an
                                            key US airlines and Middle East carriers   enormous advantage of a massive and
                                            over alleged subsidies is more about the   wealthy  home  market  locked  in  with
                                            fact that most US airlines are struggling   frequent flyer programs, whereas the
                                            to compete in the international arena   Middle East countries of Qatar and the
        ABOvE: Every US airline             despite the fact their highly protected   UAE have tiny populations.
        (eight) in this production          home market is the world’s richest.    And countries across the globe have helped
        line pictures of the Douglas
        DC-9 in 1967 has entered               United Airlines, American Airlines and   their airlines since aviation first started.
        Chapter 11 or was force to          Delta Airlines have asserted that Middle   A confidential Congressional Research
        merge since de-regulation           East  airlines  Qatar,  Etihad  and  Emirates   Service report RL30050 obtained through
        in 1979                             have received subsidies – mostly in the   WikiaLeaks Document Release shows that
                                            form of interest free loans – of $40 billion   the US government has supported the US
        OPPOSITE LEFT: The                  over the last ten years and are urging the   airline industry to the tune of $155 billion in the
        last major passenger                Obama  Government  to  curtail  the  open   80 years from 1918 to 1998. And so it should
        innovation introduced by            skies agreements with Qatar and the UAE.  have as most of the support was for aviation
        US legacy airlines was              However the Middle-East airline have hit   infrastructure and to establish routes.
        economy class in 1952
                                            back saying the US airlines have received   And after the tragedy of 911 the US
        OPPOSITE RIghT: When                even greater subsidies and debt relief.  Government  poured  tens  of  billions  more
        the Boeing 767 rolled out           The reality is there is no such thing as a   directly into airlines as many faced collapse.
        75 per cent of the orders           level playing field in aviation – never has   Governments across the globe either
        were for US airlines                been – never will be.               directly or indirectly support aviation.
        12   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAY / JUNE 2015                         WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.C OM
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