Page 14 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2015 Online Magazine
P. 14


        It blocked new competitors from entering   another,” Kahn said. “I just do not see any   carriers to ”transition from Chapter 11 to
        the market and stymied applications for   reason to believe that the airline industry   today’s industry leaders, each achieving
        new routes from existing carriers.  cannot prosper and attract capital.”   multi-billion dollar profits.
        De-regulation allowed any airline to fly   Kahn’s testimony was way off the   Last year, the three big US carriers
        anywhere it wanted and to “cherry pick”   mark. In fact, there has been nothing but   generated collective net profits of US$8.97
        the best routes.                    intense, severe and cutthroat competition   billion, equivalent to 45 per cent of the
           Before its enactment, deregulation   since deregulation and the airline system   total US$19.9 billion profits achieved in
        was opposed by nearly every major US   in the US is now arguably the worst in the   2014 by the global airline industry.
        airline.  Once it  was enacted, however,   industrialised world.          The trend says the report has
        the airlines  briefly  welcomed their  new   One of the greatest benefits claimed   continued into 2015, with all three major
        freedoms. But initial optimism soon gave   for deregulation is that fares have fallen   US airlines announcing strong net profits
        way to serious misgivings.          since 1979 and passenger numbers have   for the first quarter.
           By  the  1990s  well-credentialed  climbed. In fact, fares have fallen across   The international consultancy The
        commentators were citing serious effects,   the globe and have done so every year   Risk Advisory Group, which conducted
        including  the  loss  of  some  of  aviation’s   since 1929 when the first reliable records   the research for Etihad Airways, identified
        greatest companies, the bankruptcies of   were kept. And passenger numbers have   that the majority of benefits which accrued
        all but one of the major pre-deregulation   always grown.               to Delta, United and American came from
        carriers, relentless downward pressure   The reality in the US is that since   restructuring under Chapter 11 of the US
        on airline wages, and a widespread view   deregulation in 1979, air fare decreases   Federal Bankruptcy Code, yielding them
        that customer service had declined.  have actually slowed, passenger growth   at least US$35.46 billion, and additional
           In  2008  Robert  Crandall,  former   has  also slowed while  airline  margins   pension fund bailouts totalling US$29.4
        president of American Airlines, addressed   have been slashed.          billion from the US Government’s Pension
        the Wings Club in New York and laid out   In 1988 Kahn, the architect of de-  Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
        his blueprint for stabilisation of the US   regulation, admitted that “there is no   Etihad Airways and Emirates and Qatar
        airline system, which—not surprisingly—  denying that the profit record of the   have consistently denied claims by US
        involved a reversal of deregulation—or   industry since 1978 has been dismal,   airlines that they have received subsidies,
        rather a ‘dollop’ of reregulation.   that deregulation bears substantial   and have stated publicly that they have
           “I feel little need to argue that   responsibility, and that the proponents …   received  equity  and  shareholder  loans
        deregulation has worked poorly in the   did not anticipate such financial distress—  from their sole government shareholder.
        airline industry,” he told members. “Three   either so intense or so long-continued”.   Releasing the findings by The Risk
        decades of deregulation have demonstrated   While the US airline industry has not   Advisory Group, the General Counsel and
        that airlines have special characteristics   been re-regulated there have been three   Company Secretary of Etihad Airways,
        incompatible with a completely unregulated   major mergers that have the big six to   Jim Callaghan, said: “We do not question
        environment.  To  put  things  bluntly,  the very big three (merger partner in   the legitimacy of benefits provided to US
        experience has established that market   parenthesis)   – Delta (Northwest), United   carriers by the US government and the
        forces alone cannot and will not produce a   (Continental) and American (US Air).  bankruptcy courts.
        satisfactory  airline  industry,  which  clearly   And  all  airline  have  been  in  Chapter   “We simply wish to highlight the fact
        needs some help to solve its pricing, cost   11 bankruptcy protection that has enabled   that US carriers have been benefitting and
        and operating problems.”            them to shed billions of debt and slash   continue to benefit from a highly favourable
           For Crandall, none of these failures   salaries.                     legal regime, such as bankruptcy
        came as a surprise. As far back as 1977   Now they are making super profits.   protection and pension guarantees,
        he had berated a Senate lawyer: “You …                                  exemptions from certain taxes, and
        academic eggheads. You can’t deregulate  US Subsidies!                  various  other benefits.   These benefits,
        this industry. You’re going to wreck it. You   That reorganisation has  been now  been   which are generally only available to US
        don’t know a goddamn thing.”        detailed by research commissioned by   carriers, have created a highly distorted
           And he was right. They did not know a   Etihad Airways. The report has quantified a   market in which carriers such as Etihad
        goddam thing, as evidenced by comments   range of government and court-sanctioned   Airways have to compete.”
        made by the deregulator Kahn testifying   benefits and concessions received by Delta,   Mr Callaghan said the figures
        before Congress a year later.       United and American and other airlines   produced by The Risk Advisory Group were
           “The assumption  that you are going   with which they have merged.   conservative, quantifiable and credible,
        to get really intense, severe, cutthroat   These US airlines have received   and obtained from public records and
        competition just seems to be unrealistic   benefits valued at US$71.48 billion, more   statements.
        when you are talking about a small number   than US$70 billion of which has been since   Mr Callaghan referred to a 2011
        of carriers who meet in one market after   2000, enabling the nation’s three largest   interview,  published  by  America’s
        14   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAY / JUNE 2015                         WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM
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