Page 9 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2015 Online Magazine
P. 9


        Lewis, a director of research at Neuroco,   Southern California, warns that the “just-  Europe, India, Africa and Australia.
        an   international  market  research  in-time philosophy is a major stressor” on   Dr. Michael Bennett, a teacher and
        organization. Dr Lewis, a noted expert on   pilots as well as the travelling public. And   researcher at the Centre for Aviation
        physiological stress levels, introduced the   one of the LCC passengers’ major gripes   Transport and the Environment in
        phrase road rage. During the study, four   is lack of staff at airports. This leads to a   the United Kingdom postulated to
        passengers  had  chest  monitors  fitted  to   chaotic situation during a schedule disrupt that “how all of this
        record increases in heart rate, pressure   and is a significant stress for pilots.  will play out for airlines, airports and
        pads attached to their arms to monitor   “In LCCs there are far fewer support   the flyers  depends upon them. I’d  be
        changes in blood pressure and sensors   structures when things go wrong,” said   very cautious about any detailed [metric]
        attached to their finger-tips to measure   Captain James.  “At legacy carriers there   modelling of these sorts of changes...
        changes in physiological stress. The   is  an  excellent  team  around  you but  at   The only thing we can predict is there
        results showed that the level of stress   LCCs there is virtually no staff to recover   are going to be some nasty surprises out
        they  felt  in  the  airport  peaked  at  four   a breakdown. It is taking all the fun out of   there.  Surprises  such as  stronger  and
        times, but otherwise stayed at a sustained   the job. I have younger colleagues in their   more frequent thunderstorms, the kind
        level for longer than that experienced by   30s saying ‘I can’t keep doing this.’”  that trigger severe turbulence. Expect
        the riot police, fighter pilots, Formula One   And  there is  no  fun staying in  cheap   such storms to become more frequent and
        racing drivers and parachutists.    hotels either, said Captain James. “One   more violent,” Bennett said. “There’s more
           Dr Lewis warned that “passengers   place we stay at is right beside a railway   energy there; there’s more latent heat.”
        are in danger of developing tachycardia   line and we can’t sleep. I would never   Professor  Meshkati  added  that
        (the rapid beating of the heart) that can   book my family into a hotel like the ones   deteriorating and changing global weather
        at times prove fatal.” Within minutes of   we stay at.”                 is just another factor to heap on the pile of
        the subjects entering Terminal 4, heart   Additional stress points are weather   stressors that are mounting up for pilots.
        rates increased from healthy levels of 55   and airspace congestion, according to
        beats per minute to more than 70 beats   Captain Lyndon Wells. “It used to be easy  When Is Easier harder?
        per minute. Rates continued to rise with   but airspace congestion has increased   And Professor Meshkati adds a real twist
        some recording more than 200 beats a   dramatically and on the flip side landing at   in the examination of stressors on pilots
        minute - up to four times the resting heart   remote airports in uncontrolled airspace   noting that automation, the very thing that
        rate of a healthy human. What makes this   is no fun.” Captain Wells threw in a   is supposedly making their life easier, is
        test both fascinating and disturbing is   position with a major Middle East airline   leading to increased stress. “Automation
        that the test subjects were all young and   because he was sick of the stresses of   in the cockpit that has reduced some
        healthy. And pilots have to go through this   transiting congested European and North   workload for pilots has a dark side in
        hassle three or four times week!    Atlantic airspace.                  that it is contributing to feeling a lack
                                               “Used to be fun…now a stressful   of autonomy which could be a source of
        Working harder                      chore” was how Captain Wells summed up   stress,” said Meshkati.
        Captain James noted that LCC pilots are   EU airspace. “The congestion – particular   Meshkati  warns  that  combined
        working far harder than legacy pilots. “We   in summer can be a nightmare. I really,   with dissatisfaction with management
        fly 1,000 hours a year, 10 per cent higher   really loved my job and now it’s got hard.”   decisions,  particularly  in  the  LCC  space,
        than legacy pilots. But it is more than that,   The answer for Captain Wells was a lower   this turns pilots into glorified process
        far more. We have tight turn times, 30   paid job with a long haul LCC in another –   monitors (workers), who are engaged in
        minutes or less and there is not time to relax   less congested - part of the world.  relatively routine jobs. He also cites a major
        and chat, perhaps stretch the legs and even   Adding  to  the  stress  of  flying  is   study by the World Health Organization
        go for a short walk. The legacy carriers with   the  increasingly  bad  weather  and  that identified four more major stressors
        more frills to load such as catering have   it is getting worse, say the experts.   in this context: responsibility for people;
        turn times of 45 to 50 minutes. Those extra   “Rising concentrations of heat-trapping   lack of job security; job future ambiguity;
        minutes make a big difference.      greenhouse gasses are changing our   and, dissatisfaction with pay.
           And those longer times give flexibility   climate,” Michel Jarraud, Secretary-General   He cites another example of mental
        to catch up on the schedule if it’s behind –   of the United Nations’ World Meteorological   stress. He cites another example of
        which it often is.”                 Organization  told  chronic occupational stress. “A sonar
           Captain James adds that with     “Implications are far reaching, and in some   operator on a submarine or warship has
        more  congestion  at  airports  “it’s  very   instances, immediate.”    a simple (but not easy) job – listen for a
        challenging to keep to schedule.”      Already impacted by wild weather,   torpedo over the background noise – but
           Professor Najm Meshkati, Viterbi   according to the WMO’s report The   the responsibility is high and outcome
        School of Engineering and Aviation Safety   Global Climate 2001 – 2010, A Decade   is critical; saving the ship and this gives
        and Security Program at the University of   of Extremes, are places such as Eastern   the operators a sense of fulfilment or
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