Page 28 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2015 Online Magazine
P. 28



        Battling for Survival

        Malaysia Airlines is taking steps for a final battle to revive and survive
        By MF Kamaruddin
                                            MALAYSIA AIRLINES IS “TECHNICALLY   countless of moral support, the airline’s
                                            bankrupt”, and the airline has been in dire   health remains critical, barely surviving
                                            financial  straits  even  before  the  MH370   financial  losses, amounting  to  USD180
                                            and MH17 disasters in 2014, its new chief   million at the end of Q3 2014, according to
                                            executive has said.                 the airline’s Q3 report last year. Malaysian
                                               “We are technically bankrupt...the   government stepped in through Khazanah
                                            decline of performance started long before   Nasional,  exercising  a  group-wide
                                            the tragic events of 2014,” Christoph   restructuring of Malaysian Airline System.
                                            Mueller said, exceeding confidence that   Despite efforts to save the airline, the
                                            the beleaguered airline can recover from   company is still slowly but surely spiralling
                                            the wretched 2014 to become south-east   down,  deeper  into  its  financial  slope.
                                            Asia’s leading carrier.             Measures were taken in what seem to be
                                               Mueller  has  confirmed  previously   as their final battle to revive and survive,
                                            disclosed plans to cut 6,000 jobs,   bringing  upon  us a  theatrical battle of
                                            shrinking its workforce to 14,000, are now   survival  of  the  once  glorified  Malaysia
                                            being  implemented  ahead  of  a  rebrand   Airline System or known better as MAS.
                                            in September which aims to repair the   March 2014, when global attention
                                            damage caused by the losses of MH370   directed  towards  the small  peninsular
                                            and MH17. Already cash-strapped and   of  Malaysia  with  the  mysterious
                                            running in losses for years by stiff regional   disappearance of  flight MH370,  little
                                            competition, the carrier was seriously   known to many, even key industry players
                                            affected by the two separate jet disasters.  that in the same month, MAS appointed
                                               The immediate priority for the airline is  to   RAMCO Systems to supply a total solution
        Despite efforts to save the         “stop the bleeding” in 2015, then to stabilise   to  replace  its  legacy  systems  within
        airline, the company is still       next year and start growing again by 2017.  its  Engineering  Division,  in  its  effort  to
        slowly but surely spiralling           It has been a year since the tragic loss   enhance MRO capabilities within the
        down, deeper into its               of MH370. Malaysia Airlines has been   airline, focusing on its own fleet of 145
        financial slope                     struggling since. While they have received   aircraft from Malaysia Airlines itself
        28   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAY / JUNE 2015                         WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM
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