Page 32 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2015 Online Magazine
P. 32


        Plane Speaking

        As the Queen Mother of all air shows begins in Paris, the stage is set for a major battle among airframers
        By Jay Menon

                                            THE 51ST EDITION OF PARIS AIR SHOW   holding back several order announcements
                                            promises to be one of world’s most   ahead of  the Paris Air Show.
                                            sustainable  events.  In  the  days  leading   At the 2013 Paris Air Show, while
                                            up  to  the  Le  Bourget  airport,  talks  are   Airbus wrote orders for 466 airplanes
                                            abuzz that the biennial event will witness   valued at $68.7 billion, Boeing took 442
                                            significant commercial aviation orders.   orders valued at $66 billion.
                                            Leading airframers Boeing Co and Airbus   “We can be optimistic to expect similar
                                            Group are attending the show, scheduled   order levels again this year,” says an
                                            for June 15-21, with high hopes of getting   aviation market expert, adding, “While
                                            a big chunk of orders for their single-aisle   there are no suggestions that the Paris
                                            commercial aircraft.                Air Show will see a repeat of the frenzied
                                               As Fabrice Bregier,   Chief Executive   ordering of the past few years, several
                                            Officer of Airbus, says confidently, “It will be   new orders are expected, including Qatar
        Airbus Group will showcase
        its innovative range of             a good show”... And Airbus could announce   Airways and Etihad Airways, as the Gulf
        commercial and military             several hundred airplane orders.    carriers continue their expansionist ways.”
        aircraft, space systems and            Rival Boeing is no doubt expecting the   For Airbus, the 2015  Paris  Air Show
        emerging technologies at Le         same type of activity, and observers are   comes just over a decade since the A380
        Bourget                             indicating  that  the  U.S. aircraft maker  is   made its first flight. More than 80 million
        32   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAY / JUNE 2015                         WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM
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