Page 33 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2015 Online Magazine
P. 33


        passengers have now flown on it and it   Canadian airframer Bombardier is   first half of 2018. The E175-E2 will follow
        is one of the aircraft type taking off or   expected to debut the delayed CSeries   both in 2020.
        landing every three minutes.        aircraft. The CS100 and CS300 are likely   Dassault Aviation is expected to show
           Airbus Group will showcase its   appear at the show, ahead of the CS100’s   off its Falcon 5X, which was rolled out
        innovative range of commercial and   planned year-end civil certification.  on June 2 at its Merignac final assembly
        military aircraft, space systems and   The CSeries has missed international   facility in Bordeaux, France.
        emerging technologies at Le Bourget.  air exhibits in the last two years because   Over 2,000 exhibitors and almost
           To highlight Airbus’ leading widebody   of delays in its first flight.  150,000  professionals are expected to
        product range and superior cabin comfort   Bombardier has said the CSeries,   turn up the at event. According to Gilles
        in all classes, more A350 XWBs and A380s   which features a new geared turbofan   Fournier, the biennial show’s managing
        will be on display than at any other air   engine from United Technologies Corp.’s   director, “We are expecting 139,000 trade
        show, with four of the highly efficient   Pratt & Whitney unit, will cost about   visitors from 181 countries and will have
        passenger aircraft in total, an Airbus   15 percent less to operate, cut fuel   26 national pavilions and 285 foreign
        spokesperson says.                  consumption by about 20 percent and   delegations,  including  151  defence
           An A350 XWB of launch customer   produce less noise than competing jets   delegations.” The number of static display
        Qatar Airways will be on the static display   from Boeing Co. and Airbus Group NV.  aircraft and public visitors is also expected
        along with a Qatar A380. Throughout the   Embraer is expected to have its ERJ-  to be similar to the tallies in 2013, when
        week, two Airbus test aircraft, an A350   135 on show. The Brazilian aerospace   there were 150 aircraft on static display
        XWB equipped with cabin and an A380, will   giant will also bring a mockup of the E2   and more than 176,000 general-public
        take part in the flying display.    jet. The E2 jet was launched at the last   visitors after the trade days, he adds.
           According to observers,   Boeing is   edition of the Paris Airshow in 2013.
        expected to display a 787-9 and a 777-300ER.  The E2 jets features three models – the
           However, analysts also point out   E175-E2 which seats 88 passengers in a
        that since both Boeing and Airbus have   single class configuration, the E190-E2
        backlogs of eight to 10 years, any orders   (106 seats) and the E195-E2 (132 seats).
        placed now have a long wait for a slot on   Embraer recently announced that its
        the production line.                order book is filling up with a new US$1.92   Over 2,000 exhibitors and
           Along with Airbus and Boeing, many   billion order for its E-jet series airliner.   almost 150,000 professionals
        other commercial aircraft manufacturers   The E195-E2 is scheduled to enter service   are expected to turn up the
        are attending the air show.         in 2019 after the E190-E2, expected in the   at event

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