Page 31 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2015 Online Magazine
P. 31


                                                                                Embraer’s Legacy 450 mid-light business
                                                                                jet  was also  on display  at  EBACE.  The
                                                                                manufacturer says that “development is
                                                                                advancing on schedule,” and it will achieve
                                                                                entry into service in the fourth quarter of
                                                                                2015. “The Legacy 450 and the Legacy
                                                                                500, which will be presented together for
                                                                                the first time at EBACE, break paradigms
                                                                                in business aviation, offering premium
                                                                                comfort with a stand up cabin, flat floor
                                                                                and outstanding performance,” said
                                                                                Marco Túlio Pellegrini, President & CEO,
                                                                                Embraer Executive Jets. He added, “The
                                                                                Legacy  450 has  the largest cabin  in its
                                                                                class and is the first jet in its category to
                                                                                replace conventional controls with digital
                                                                                full fly-by-wire technology. This aircraft
                                                                                is a flawless combination of technology
                                                                                and design, which defies every definition
                                                                                of a mid-light jet.” The Legacy 450 and
                                                                                Legacy 500 share in excess of 90 percent
                                                                                commonality,  with  the  former  receiving
                                                                                certification last year. The Legacy 450
                                                                                cockpit features four large 15.1” high
                                                                                resolution LCD displays as part of the
                                                                                Rockwell Collins Pro Line Fusion avionics
                                                                                suite and a Synthetic Vision System (SVS).
                                                                                Embraer had its entire business jet fleet
                                                                                on display at the EBACE static display; the
                                                                                entry-level Phenom 100E, the Phenom
                                                                                300 light jet, the mid-light Legacy 450,
                                                                                the midsize Legacy 500, the large-cabin
                                                                                Legacy 650, and the ultra-large-cabin
                                                                                Lineage 1000E.

        Slovakia and Switzerland (excluding   km (2,850 nautical miles), an improvement   TOP: Cessna’s Cessna Citation
        Geneva  and  Vaud).  Southern  Europe  will   of 277 kilometres (150 nautical miles)   Latitude made its show debut
        be handled by TAG Aviation SA which   and  take-off  distance  has  reduced  from   at EBACE and parent Textron
        provides sales and service to customers   1,116 meters (3,660 feet) to 1,091 meters   Aviation had nine Beechcraft
        in Southern U.K., France, Italy, Portugal,   (3,580 feet). The all new cabin offers a   and Cessna aircraft on display at
                                                                                the show
        Spain, Greece, Monaco, Geneva and Vaud.   flat cabin floor and six feet (1.83 meters)
        Cessna’s Cessna Citation Latitude led the   of cabin height along with a new cockpit,   BOTTOM:
        Textron Aviation EBACE display which   with Garmin 5000 avionics with auto-  The HondaJet made its much
        consisted of nine Beechcraft and Cessna   throttles  as  standard  and  is  dominated   awaited European debut at
        business and general aviation aircraft. The   by three 14” wide-screen displays. In-  EBACE and is now performing
        Latitude was first announced in 2011 and   cabin connectivity is provided by Cessna’s   a Europe display tour. Image of
        made its maiden flight in February 2014.   Clairity cabin-technology system which   HondaJets outside the Honda
        Prior to the start  of the show, Textron   allows passengers to connect with their   Aircraft factory in Greensboro,
        Aviation announced that the completion of   own wireless devices such as iPads or   North Carolina
        the Latitude’s flight test programme had   other tablet devices. Also making its   OPPOSITE: EBACE remains the
        yielded a number of important results.   debut at EBACE was the Cessna Citation   premier business aviation show
        These mainly relate to improvements in   CJ3+ business jet which features a Garmin   in Europe and saw almost 60
        aircraft range and runway performance;   G3000 flight deck, enhanced interiors and   aircraft on static display in the
        long range cruise distance is now at 5,278   advanced ClairityTM cabin connectivity.   15th edition of the show
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