Page 27 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2015 Online Magazine
P. 27


        checkout and seamless access to other   to support any payment method that   Solutions are typically installed directly
        wallets such as Apple Pay and Pay Pal,   its passengers are using. Airlines must   or offered  as SaaS  solutions.   Execution
        will provide passengers with a frictionless   examine all routes and identify which   is dependent upon the airline’s particular
        purchasing experience and motivate them   payment methods are being used in each   needs and finance strategy.
        to continue making transactions.    country and destination. Regional or                                                                                                     
                                            smaller airlines can focus on the types   AAA:A major concern about the rise
        AAA: The travel industry is well-   of  methods  and  transactions  that  are   of mobile payments and other non-
        known for its razor-thin margins,   most common among its passengers    traditional currencies is increasing
        meaning low payment processing fees   or localities. Global airlines, however,   vulnerability to new types of fraud.
        are crucial for an airline’s financial   must  be  prepared  to  incorporate  as   How can airlines embrace the mobile
        health. How can low-cost and regional   many payment methods as possible   wallet while protecting revenues
        carriers that typically work with   meet passenger expectations. Ultimately   and passengers from hackers?
        one PSP negotiate better rates?     it’s  about  price  of  implementation  and   GJERDING: It is an unfortunate truth
        GJERDING: They can pursue payment   interchange fees versus consumer  base   that wherever the money goes, hackers
        solutions that make available at least one   using any given new payment method.  will follow. Cyber criminals have taken
        or more additional PSP’s. When PSP’s                                    notice of the fact that 23% of global online
        are pre-integrated into the payment   AAA:How can airlines support      payments are made via mobile, and they
        solutions, airlines can add, remove or   omnichannel payments across multiple   are growing more sophisticated. Airlines
        update a payment method quickly without   currencies and devices within their   must utilize  the same  (if not better)
        time-consuming IT work or lengthy time-  existing payments infrastructures?   security measures for virtual transactions
        to-market scenarios. Utilizing a central   GJERDING:  Airlines  can  support  as they do for non-mobile payments, and
        payments  hub  improves  the  value  an   omnichannel  transactions  using  a  they must treat passengers’ payment
        airline’s get from their PSPs relationship   solution that has pre-integrated payment   and loyalty accounts as if they are bank
        and enables airlines to negotiate better   services for every  payment method,   accounts.
        rates, take advantage of PSP geographic   channel,  device  and  currency.  A  unified   Airlines must have the necessary step-
        price differences and have a failover   access point that sits atop an airline’s   checks in place to protect revenue and
        mechanism in place if issues arise with a   existing  payments  framework  can  passenger trust. Tracking IPs, integrating
        single PSP.                         support one-click check out across all   a  real-time  view  of  transactions,  setting
                                            payment methods and currencies. This   up alerts for early warning signs, insisting
        AAA:Which payment methods           type of converged payment architecture   on secure passwords and deploying multi-
        make the most sense for airlines    puts airlines in control of the payments   factor authentication are all successful
        to adopt and support?               ecosystem while creating  a seamless   ways  to  mitigate  payment  and  loyalty
        GJERDING: An airline should be prepared   purchasing experience for passengers.    program fraud.
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                            SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2015  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  27
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