Page 23 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2015 Online Magazine
P. 23


           It is sobering to consider that it quite   777 catches fire. Some of the passengers   for jackets and handbags with some even
        often  takes  40  minutes  to  board  a  plane   fleeing the Triple Seven rescue their   opening overhead lockers to salvage their
        because of passenger/ baggage congestion.  carry-on luggage, trundling across the   carry-on luggage.
           Not only does taking carry-on baggage   tarmac to safety;              Aviation regulations around the world
        slow the evacuation process dramatically   - March 5, 2015. Delta Airlines DL1086   require  aircraft  passengers  to  obey  the
        there is a real possibility that the bags with   an MD-88 overuns at New York - La Guardia   commands of crew in an emergency, and
        metal parts extruding will snag and then   Airport on landing in snow conditions. No   not to recklessly endanger an aircraft.
        deflate the slides – rendering them useless.   serious injuries were reported among the   Dragging your roll-aboard behind you in
           In the frantic scramble to get often   125 passengers and 5 crew members but   an evacuation breaks both these rules.
        overstuffed bags out of bins, passengers   passengers carried their baggage away   As detailed in Flight Safety Australia’s
        will also be knocked out.           from the plane.                     100 Foundations of Aviation Safety, in
           Then there is the very real prospect   While language may be a barrier in some   the extremely rare event of a crash,
        of the passengers jumping onto the slide   cases in the British Airways incident at Las   evacuating passengers safely is a critical
        with the bag and knocking themselves out   Vegas this would not have been the case.   logistical challenge.
        or another passenger.                  Responding to the accident Australia’s   This was highlighted in a 1991 collision
           Duty free alcohol is even more lethal   aviation regulator the Civil Aviation Safety   between a Boeing 737 and a Metroliner on
        because  if the bottle breaks there is   Authority (CASA) issued a warning to the   the runway of Los Angeles International
        flammable liquid everywhere not to   industry on the problem.           Airport. Not one passenger on the 737
        mention broken glass.                  In  a  concerning  trend,  airline  died as a result of the collision. However,
           And the passengers from British   passengers are continuing to value their   20 passengers still perished from smoke
        Airways flight BA2276 are not alone.   luggage over their own personal safety   inhalation and burns, with half dying in a
           In a number of other recent incidents   and that of their fellow travellers.  queue as they waited to use the right over-
        passengers have insisted on taking their   In the wake of British  Airways Flight   wing exit.
        carry-on baggage off.               2276’s catastrophic engine failure in Las   The  International  Civil  Aviation
           - January 15, 2009. U.S. Airways   Vegas, footage has emerged of passengers   Organization  (ICAO)  requires  the
        Flight 1549 ditches in the Hudson River   walking away from the smouldering   evacuation of passenger aircraft to be
        in New York City. During the emergency   aircraft, post-emergency evacuation—  completed in less than 90 seconds, using
        evacuation a passenger takes his suit bag   some dragging luggage behind them.  only half the exits, to ensure loss of
        with him, As the A320 struggles to stay   Footage  of  another  emergency  life similar to the Los Angeles accident
        afloat you can see him out on the wing, the   evacuation early in the year, also in the   does not happen again. New aircraft
        carry-on slung over his shoulder;   United States, highlighted the ignorant   are rigorously tested to ensure that the
           - July 6, 2013. Asiana Flight 214 lands   complacency of the general public.   90-second standard is maintained.
        short of the runway at San Francisco   Despite blaring warnings to ‘Leave   Before its certification the Airbus A380
        International Airport, semi-cartwheeling   your belongings, evacuate left side!’   underwent trial evacuations to ensure
        to a near-catastrophic stop. The Boeing   passengers can still be seen clutching   that all the 873 people on board were able

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