Page 25 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2015 Online Magazine
P. 25


           Skewed, perhaps, in favour  of stuff.   passengers don’t listen to that either.”
        Sure, you may have your life’s work    Mr Reed notes that airlines are largely
        on that laptop stowed in the overhead   not enforcing carry on restrictions for size
        compartment.  But  what price  might you   or weight for competitive reasons.
        pay in life and limb (yours’ and others) to   The combination of passengers not
        try to retrieve it when all hell’s breaking   listening, larger and heavier bags and more
        loose around you? That’s the question.   aggression and defiance from air travellers
           The problem is trying  to stop   is a perfect storm, suggest Mr Reed.
        someone taking their bags off could    With a general complacency from
        delay the evacuation even further and be   passengers about safety the industry has
        counterproductive.                  a very dangerous cocktail and it is time for
           It is a real dilemma says Steven Reed,   regulators to act.
        National Industrial Officer with the Flight   More needs to be done and perhaps   For passengers safe
        Attendants Association of Australia.   automatic or flight attendant activated locking   evacuation from an aircraft
           “There  is  a  very  real  potential  for  a   of overhead bins could be a good start.   involved in an accident/
        catastrophe,” said Mr Reed.            Mr Reed has the last word and    incident must be the highest
           “We need far greater education   suggests that perhaps we might follow the   priority, not collecting their
                                                                                cabin luggage which may
        of  passengers  through  the  safety  lead of military charter flights were there   impede the safe exit from the
        announcements but the problem is    is no cabin baggage as it is all checked.   airplane of fellow passengers
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                            SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2015  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  25
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