Page 20 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2016 Online Magazine
P. 20


        Ushering in a Clean Revolution

        European Clean Sky initiative transitions to Clean Sky 2
        By Atul Chandra
                                            REdUCING   EMISSIONS  ANd   NOISE   technology demonstrators that have moved
                                            levels  produced  by  commercial  aircraft  is   the aviation  and aeronautics  industry
                                            an aspect that is critical to the growth of   substantially forward. Some of the major
                                            the aviation industry. Billions of dollars   technological leaps to have emerged from
                                            are being invested by industry  oEMs and   the Clean Sky effort include,  open Rotor
                                            national Governments to fund innovative and   technology, laminar wings, innovative rotor
                                            eco-friendly methods that will reduce the   blades and high compression engine for light
                                            environmental impact of the next generation   helicopters, innovative ice detector sensors
        The Airbus Helicopters LifeRCraft    of commercial aircraft. one of the important   and advanced avionics systems. Programme
        Demonstrator project in Clean Sky
        2, addresses technology gaps in     undertakings in this regard is the European   funding for the Clean Sky initiative was
        systems, structures and overall     Clean Sky programme, Europe’s largest ever   undertaken on a 50/50 basis by the European
        design. It will make use of the     aeronautics research initiative, which began   Commission (in cash) and an in-kind
        technological capabilities across   activities in 2009 as seven-year effort with   contribution from the European aeronautical
        the European Research Area.  The
        main goal is to demonstrate the     a budget of €1.6 billion.  The original Clean   industry.
        viability of a compound rotorcraft   Sky  effort  has  emerged  as  a  highly  visible   Clean Sky 2 (CS2) came into force in
        design, which, with its combination   and successful Public Private Partnership   June 2014 after its adoption by the Council
        of payload / range / speed will     between the European Commission and the   of the European Union and will facilitate the
        revolutionise the capability of
        disaster relief, medical evacuation   European aeronautics industry, resulting   development of breakthrough technologies,
        or search & rescue operators        in the development of technologies and   architectures and configurations at the
        20   ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  JULY/ AUGUST 2016                      WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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