Page 45 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 45


        Boeing had showcased a full
        cabin mock-up of its twin-aisle
        7J7 concept  at the 1987 Paris Air
        Show. It was to have been built by
        an international team comprising
        of Japanese aerospace firms,
        Short Brothers, SAAB Scania and
        Australia’s Hawker de Havilland

           Currently Airbus  with its A321 and   game  whereas the  twin aisle  is  all  about   detail of what the MOM will be.
        A330neo dominate the 220 to 330 seat   pricing power of what it is worth [to the   In an interview with Aviation Week’s West
        medium  haul  market,  whereas  the  787-8  is   consumer].”            Coast Editor Guy Norris prior to Farnborough
        more a longer ranged machine.          Aboulafia warns that the “problem   and Asian Airlines & Aerospace at the air
           Saj  Ahmad,   Chief  Analyst  at  for a twin aisle is the brutal margins for   show, he said that Boeing had received input
        StrategicAero Research, tends to agree with   manufacturing. But Boeing should build a   from 36 airlines and found consensus that
        Aboulafia and says “as long as Boeing dithers   twin-aisle for that is where the growth is. And   the need was for an aircraft between 200 and
        on decision making, losing the market to the   it should be 2-2-2 but wide enough for 2-3-2   270 seats with a range of up to 5,000 nm.
        A321neo is not the least of their problems -   but slightly narrower than a 767,” concludes   According to Norris,  Delaney said that
        the bigger problem is not providing airlines   Aboulafia.               the “aircraft will  have a sixth-generation
        with a solution or an alternative.”    Ahmed suggests that Boeing “will want   composite wing, more electrical systems and
           And what should that alternative be?   to use its proprietary monolithic single piece   advanced, high-bypass-ratio engines. It also
        “That is a challenge,” says Ahmad. “The gap   composite fuselage design as per the 787 for   may feature an unusual elliptical fuselage
        in the market that Boeing has identified   the MOM.”                    cross section, optimized to provide twin-
        is certainly one which can and should be   Another cheaper and faster option, says   aisle capacity with single-aisle economics.”
        addressed.”                         Ahmed, is to revamp the 737 MAX 9’s centre   “The MOM is starting to shape out to be in
           “The LCCs of the world have pressures to   fuselage and wing box and give it a 777X-style   an area from where the 757 used to fly to where
        turn around their 737s or A320s in as little as   new composite wing, higher ground clearance   the 767-200/300 flies,” Delaney told Norris.
        15-20 minutes - after all, these operations only   and add on the current LEAP-1A engine. “And   But that is not right across the board with
        make money when their plane is airborne, not   there you have it - a credible machine, but one   the airlines’ requirements.
        while it’s at the gate. So once you get into the   that again is a 757-style single aisle jet.”  “You have three groups: those that want to
        230+ passenger category, you’d really have   One of the issues is that any MOM   fly more people, those that want more range
        to  pull  out  all  the  stops  to  get  passengers   entrant may impact on the top end of the   and the group that wants to fly more people
        off, baggage unloaded, refuelled and filled   737MAX market.            with more range. However, this airplane really
        up with catering pretty darn fast,” he rightly   “The 737MAX is seen as a 15-year   wants to be transatlantic, so most of the
        points out.                         program and any new MOM will certainly kill   customers want [it] to fly 4,800-5,000 nm.
           “To that end, it seems to me that the   off interest in the 737 MAX 9 or the possible   That’s significantly longer than the 757, but
        MOM proposition will end up being a twin   stretched 737 MAX 10.”       the seat count wants to be between 200 and
        aisle creature sporting a low density cabin of   “That is the problem,” says Ahmed.   260 to 270 max. So it is a little bit bigger than
        2-3-2 or a compressed LCC single class layout   “Boeing is too stuck as to whether the answer   a current single-aisle but not quite as big as a
        of 2-4-2.”                          to MOM lies in an all new twin aisle machine   767-type aircraft,” Delaney said.
           Aboulafia agrees with that view. “There   or whether the 737MAX has the basis for one   Clearly such an aircraft opens up a range
        are potentially two markets though - single   final major iteration to take on the A321neo.”  of new route possibilities, Delany told media
        aisle and twin aisle [260-270 seats]. It is a   Away from the strategic question of what   at Farnborough.
        great opportunity but also a great challenge,”   Boeing will do, Mike Delaney, vice president   “Airline planners are thinking about their
        says Aboulafia.                     and general manager of airplane development   route structure and realising that they are
           “Single aisle [solution] is a commodity   at Boeing Commercial Airplanes, gives some   going to have to completely rethink their
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