Page 62 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 62


                                                                                EASA STC Approval for Vector
                                                                                Aerospace ADS-B upgrade
                                                                                The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
                                                                                has accorded Supplemental Type Certificate
                                                                                (STC) approval  Vector Aerospace’s new
          Bombardier Completes First CRJ200 Special Freighter Aircraft Delivery   ADS-B solution.  The retrofittable ADS-B
          Launch  operator  Gulf  &  Caribbean  Cargo   past eight or nine years, a strong indication   solution has already received STC approval
          has taken delivery of the first Bombardier   of the aircraft’s continuing strength,   from  the  national  airworthiness  authorities
          CRJ200 Special Freighter (CRJ200SF)   versatility and appeal,” says Speirs.  of the USA (FAA), Brazil (ANAC) and Mexico
          aircraft.                            The CRJ100SF, CRJ200SF  aircraft will   (DGAC).The new ADS-B solution can be
              “CRJ100 and 200 jets are the assets   be useful for operators who require an   installed on Airbus Helicopters AS332,
          upon which regional airlines have built their   aircraft for longer-range regional services   Leonardo Helicopters AW139 and Sikorsky
          existence, however they are gradually being   that require the speed of a jet but won’t   S-76 series of helicopters.
          replaced in favour of larger aircraft and   support larger narrow-body freighters. This   “Receipt of EASA certification approval
          are  finding  homes  in  secondary  markets   is especially true for low demand routes.  for this ADS-B retrofit upgrade broadens
          with modifications such  as AEI’s freighter   “To date, we have received commitments   our ability to offer this unique solution
          conversions,” said David Speirs,  Vice   for 45 aircraft conversions from a variety of   to customers across the globe,” said
          President, Asset Management, Bombardier   operators and  we fully  expect to convert   Elvis Moniz,  Vice President, Business
          Commercial Aircraft.              over 100 aircraft over the life of the program,”   Development - Airframe & Avionics
             A large 94 in. x 77 in. (238.7 cm x 195.6   said Robert Convey, Vice President, Sales   Solutions at Vector Aerospace.
          cm) cargo door, has been incorporated   and Marketing, Aeronautical Engineers.   “This upgrade has generated significant
          into the freighter design and it can hold up   The  CRJ100SF/CRJ200SF  jets  are  customer interest in recent months, and
          to 14,840 lbs. (6,731 kg) of payload on the   converted from the passenger version   we are actively supplying ADS-B kits and
          main deck and offer eight 61.5” X 88” pallet   of the aircraft by Aeronautical Engineers,   installation support to operators globally
          positions for containerisation.   Inc. (AEI) of Miami, a Bombardier-licensed   as  the  ADS-B  regulatory  compliance
            “The CRJ100 and 200 operator base   Third Party Supplemental Type Certificate   mandate date draws closer.   To date,
          has grown by about 120 per cent over the   (STC) provider.            Vector has installed nearly 500 ADS-B
                                                                                systems in a variety of aircraft types, and
                                                                                we are continuing to work on new ways
                                             Jet (BBJ) 777-200 for an undisclosed   to offer our customers cost-effective
                                             Middle Eastern client.             solutions that are technically sound, well
                                                The work was completed and the   documented and well supported.”
                                             aircraft was delivered back to the customer   An intuitive, panel-mounted touch screen
                                             in the last week of December, despite the   transponder  replaces  the  aircraft’s  existing
                                             short turnaround time.             transponder and Vector also offers a remotely
                                               “This is a significant milestone for the   mounted transceiver with a compact cockpit
                                             large aircraft maintenance team, and we   control head, should console or cockpit space
                                             look forward to demonstrating our high-  be a challenge, for the ADS-B In/Out retrofit
          jet Aviation Maintenance Center    quality maintenance services to this new   upgrade Installation of this ADS-B retrofit
          Performs BBJ-777 Maintenance       customer — and all owners and operators   can be undertaken easily, with the associated
          Jet   Aviation’s  Basel  Maintenance  of BBJ-777 aircraft,” said Estelle  Thorin,   aircraft downtime ranging from one day for
          Center  and  MRO  facility  has  performed   Jet Aviation’s director of maintenance for   simple configurations to a maximum of two
          maintenance work on a Boeing Business   large aircraft in Basel.      days for more complex work.

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