Page 63 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 63
Leipold Group Expands to
Manufacture Turned Parts for
Aviation Industry
German manufacturing Group, Leipold
has announced an expansion into the
manufacture of turned parts for the Jeppesen Signs Charting and Navigation Services Agreement with LOT
aviation industry because of a new Polish Airlines
partnership with aviation industry supplier Jeppesen will provide digital charting for LOT will eliminate operational paper
GMT. LOT Polish Airlines’ electronic flight bag content from LOT aircraft by using
The two companies together can offer (EFB) platform as part of a five-year service FliteDeck Pro, which reduces weight
flexible production structures in series agreement. leading to improved fuel consumption.
production, along with high levels of It will include the incorporation of “Eliminating cumbersome paper
process reliability. Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro on Windows tablets based materials through use of Jeppesen
“Although Leipold is a complete for the airline’s charting EFB solution and FliteDeck Pro improves pilot workflow
newcomer to the sector, the decision in will continue to use Jeppesen NavData for and optimizes operational efficiency by
favour of this partnership turned out to digital navigation as well. providing all essential flight information
be extremely far-sighted”, says Siegfried Mateusz Kołakowski, program manager, on LOT Windows tablets,” says Norman
Oser, Head of Purchasing in the field LOT Polish Airlines said, “We look forward Wagner, director, Jeppesen Strategic Sales
of aviation for GMT. “The fundamental to using Windows tablets to access all & Service – Europe.
technological skills are in place and the of our critical flight information through LOT Polish Airlines operates one of the
organisational structures we observed are Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro, which reduces youngest fleets in Europe and operates
also far superior to those of our existing preparation time and increases situational Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner on all long-haul
suppliers”. awareness on the ground and in the air.” connections.
“With our expertise in machining
technology, based on decades of
experience, extremely highly trained
staff, state-of-the-art machinery and
sophisticated custom tools, we believe
that we are up to the challenges of
this market”, stresses Pascal Schiefer,
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the
Leipold Group.
Parts are already being supplied for RUAG Delivers 15,000th Flight Data Recorder
various aircraft types such as the Airbus RUAG Aviation has announced the successful completion related to deliveries of over
A350. 15,000 flight data recorder (FDR) maintenance events. RUAG Aviation’s one-stop shop
The new portfolio being offered services at its Munich location guarantees a turnaround time of just 3 days for any
includes connecting elements – in single component. “A guaranteed turnaround time of just 3 days applies to every aircraft
particular, fork joints, rings and bushings component arriving at our testing centre,” confirms Volker Wallrodt, Senior Vice President
made from a range of different metals Business Jets, Dornier 228 & Components, RUAG Aviation. “This component support model
such as high-alloy steels, titanium and is unique within the industry. Customers rely on this support for the strategic management
other special alloys. of their continued airworthiness and fleet availability needs.”RUAG Aviation in Munich
averages approximately 700 flight data recorders (FDR) per year at the dedicated, in-
house component service centre for the business aircraft industry.