Page 65 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 65


          Lufthansa Technik Signs-Up New
          Customer for Cyclean Engine Wash
          Air  Transat, a Canadian airline based in
          Montreal has signed up with Lufthansa
         Technik for Cyclean Engine Wash.
            “We are thrilled to have concluded this
          comprehensive engine cleaning contract
          for our fleet with Lufthansa Technik. Not   Ameco’s Beijing Engine Overhaul Workshop at Peak Capacity
          only will this enable us to reduce fuel   Chinese Maintenance, Repair Overhaul   addition to new contracts that Ameco had
          consumption and emissions; it will also   (MRO) provider Ameco has been running   signed in 2016. RB211s from Chinese freight
          significantly reduce the maintenance   its engine overhaul workshop in Beijing   carriers include SF Airlines, and China
          costs for our engines,” said Jean-François   at full capacity since the beginning of   Postal Airlines and the company signed a
          Lemay, President Air Transat.      2017.  The MRO provider is also ramping-  ten-year  RB211  contract  with  SF  Airlines
            The Canadian carrier, has a jetliner fleet   up overhaul tasks related to the  V2500   at the 2016 Zhuhai Airshow, to support its
          consisting of Airbus A310s with CF6-80C2   aero engine.  The engine types being   Boeing 757 fleet. Ameco became a Rolls-
          engines,  A330s  with  Trent  700  engines,   repaired at the facility include, the Pratt-  Royce approved RB211 repair station in
          and Boeing 737NGs with CFM56-7 engines.   Whitney PW4000, International Aero-  2016 and has commenced service activities
          Lufthansa  Technik will provide Cyclean   Engines  V2500  and  Rolls-Royce  RB211.   for this engine OEM. The company is also
          engine wash services for the entire fleet,   The RB211 alone is contributing around   speeding up its in-house parts repair
          which is carried out at Montréal Airport in   50 percent of the workload. The Chinese   capabilities on V2500 and as an authorised
          Canada, where Lufthansa Technik has been   air transportation market is driving the   repair station of Pratt-Whitney, is already
          operating a Cyclean service station for a   increased overhauls of the RB211, in   overhauling V2500s for IAE.
          year now.
            Oliver  Winter, Head of Engine Life
          Cycle Services at Lufthansa  Technik: “A                                “As passengers seek to take more
          Cyclean engine wash can be carried out as                             control of their travel experience, this
          part of maintenance work, in the transit                              acquisition expands our portfolio of self-
          period between two flights, or overnight.                             service passenger processing solutions,
         The autonomous system, which does not                                  enabling us to streamline and simplify
          require any external electricity or water                             the passenger journey through a fully
          source, gives our airline customers highest                           connected airport,” said Dave Nieuwsma,
          flexibility in the planning of engine washes.”                        senior  vice  president,  Information
         The Cyclean Engine  Wash equipment at                                  Management Services for Rockwell Collins.
          Montréal Airport is installed in a van and   Rockwell Collins Acquires Pulse.Aero  Pulse.Aero’s products and services will
          therefore can also be deployed at nearby   Pulse.Aero Limited, a UK-based company   be integrated into the Airport Systems
          airports such as Mirabel and Toronto.   that specialises in self-service bag drop   portfolio of Rockwell Collins’ Information
          Up to 70 percent quicker than convention   solutions and airline applications, has been   Management Services business.
          engine cleaning methods, Cyclean Engine   acquired by Rockwell Collins has acquired.   The two companies had earlier
          Wash can be carried out without restriction   The new acquisition will further enhance the   worked together on several successful
          anywhere on the airport site and to date   company’s passenger processing services   deployments, including the installation of
          more than 60,000 engine washes have   for airports and airlines, in addition to   new self-bag drop units at Dublin Airport,
          been performed worldwide for more than   expanding Rockwell Collins’ Information   which led to the reducing of queue times
         40 airline customers.               Management Services strategy.      and improved customer service.

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