Page 66 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 66


                                                                                Falcon Aviation Signs-Up for
                                                                                FBO One Online Operational
                                                                                Management Tool
                                                                                Dubai  based  Falcon  Aviation  has  signed
                                                                                up for FBO One, an online operational
                                                                                management tool from Amsterdam
          Saab and UAE Sign AEW&C Support Upgrade                                  The  new  system  will  support  Falcon
          The United Arab Emirates (UAE) recently   product’s entire life cycle, during which we   Aviation’s processes and enhance logistics
          signed a support agreement with Saab   are able to guarantee availability for the   efficiency across all its front and back
          for its Saab 340 Erieye AEW&C airborne   customer,” says Jonas Hjelm, head of Saab   office departments.
          surveillance systems. The order is valued at   business area Support and Services. Saab   FBO One is the international standard
          approx. SEK 160 million and the agreement   will provide  maintenance  and  support   for aircraft ground handling and fuel sales
          will last till 2018. “The agreement is a   services for the UAE’s Saab 340 aircraft    and processes over 25.000 flights per
          confirmation of our ability to deliver a   fitted with the advanced Erieye radar system,   month.  FBO  One  manages,  enhances  and
          comprehensive support solution over the   along with associated ground equipment.      visualises all workflows, from creating and
                                                                                confirming an order to handling, payment,
                                                                                invoicing and booking.
                                             year maintenance contract. “We are proud   It  is  also officially  supported  by  and
                                             to continue our support of the USAF’s fleet   integrated with NetJets, as well as CFMU
                                             of C-130H aircraft,” said  Terry Hastman,   / Eurocontrol and FlightAware, so changes
                                             Vice President & General Manager for   in flight data are accurate and up to date.
                                             StandardAero. “To be entrusted with   It also ensures that handling requests are
                                             continuing to  supply world-class  Engine   automatically updated.
                                             MRO services is a responsibility we   Falcon Aviation operates out of a
                                             take  very  seriously.”  StandardAero  will   new FBO facility located at Al Maktoum
                                             assume the role of prime contractor under   International Airport, Dubai.
          StandardAero Receives USAF T56     the bridge contract and has also been
          Engine Maintenance Contract        undertaking  maintenance  on  the USAF
          StandardAero has been awarded a U.S.   fleet of engines since 1999.  StandardAero
          Air Force (USAF) contract to undertake   will be the sole T56 engine depot for the
          Rolls-Royce T56 engine module and engine   USAF and Navy in 2017.  The USAF in
          maintenance for a period of one year. The   March 2016 had also awarded a contract
          one-year  contract  is  an  important  one   for  T56 engine upgrades, known as the
          as it is a “bridge” contract that will allow   model 3.5 upgrade.  The upgrades will
          sustainment of USFA  T56 overhauls,   result in improved fuel efficiency, reduced
          while  the  USAF  prepares  for  a  future   maintenance costs, increased reliability
          commercial competition for a larger multi-  and enhanced performance.

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