Page 71 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
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        reliability and asset uptime.  The main   Resource Shortages Hindering
        benefit of this is allowing airlines to know   Growth in Asia-Pac       AR/VR Preparing the Worker of the
        what they could do better in the future – if   Airbus forecasts a need for over 33,000   Future
        they know an asset may fail, they want to   new aircraft globally by 2035, largely driven   Experienced aircraft engineers are proving
        know the most efficient way to reduce the   by  the  rising demand  in  the  Asia-Pacific.   to be few and far between. It currently takes
        failure rate while also achieving the most   However, this rapid expansion has the   up to 8 years for a maintenance worker to
        effect accomplishment of any rectification   potential to be hindered due to a lack of   pass stringent training tests and become
        actions. Prescriptive analytics can guide   MRO capacity, lack of indigenous training   fully licensed, time that the aviation
        maintenance engineers,  with sequences   capabilities and lack of skilled workforce   industry cannot wait for. Airlines and MRO
        of tasks to execute in order to isolate the   in the region. More passengers mean more   operators in the APAC have avoided this
        issue, when is the right time to do the repair   planes needed to carry them - more planes   by hiring in personnel from other countries,
        and the correct tools to use, helping reduce   mean more maintenance.   but this is proving to be a significant cost
        aircraft downtime.                     There are currently not enough fully-  challenge.
           Prescriptive  maintenance   will  qualified, trained and certified maintenance   Augmented reality is emerging to help
        revolutionize MRO. IDC predicts that   personnel to meet the needs of this growing   bridge this gap -  a cost- and  time-friendly
        50% of all business analytics software   market. Boeing predicts that the aviation   solution  which provides  expertise  on
        will  incorporate prescriptive capabilities   industry will need over 600,000 new   demand from any location, no matter how
        by 2020 In the future, it won’t be a bunch   maintenance technicians globally in the next   remote. Companies such as XMReality
        of engineers telling you how and when to   20 years as current personnel retire, with   have developed a telepresence and data
        repair an asset because the asset itself   much of this demand coming from Asia-Pac.  transmission  solution  that  connects
        will tell you what it needs and how it needs   Meeting  this  demand  and  matching   onsite operators with a technical expert
        it. The technology is still in the early stages   the requirements of the next generation of   anywhere in the world, in real-time, giving
        of adoption in civil aviation, but watch this   maintenance workers will take innovative   maintenance workers in remote locations
        space as the technology starts to mature in   solutions, including new technologies and   access to a virtual pair of expert eyes and
        2017.                               training methods.                   hands to guide them through complex tasks.
                                                                                  I expect we will see a sharp increase in
                                                                                adoption in APAC as the technology fully
                                                                                matures to plug this resource shortage gap.
                                                                                Riding the Technology Wave
                                                                                New technologies and the digitization
                                                                                of services are creating big benefits for
                                                                                airline and MRO operators to streamline
                                                                                maintenance, reduce operating costs and
                                                                                take  full  advantage  of  the  skyrocketing
                                                                                air travel demand. Early adopters of these
                                                                                three trends will see operations completely
                                                                                transformed.  Watch  out  for  these
                                                                                technologies coming to MRO near you in 2017.
                                                                                   (Espen Olsen, Business Development
                                                                                and Sales for Aerospace & Defense at IFS).

                                                                                             MAINTENANCE REP
                                                                                                       AIR O

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