Page 68 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 68


                                                                                Panasonic IFE Selected for 167
                                                                                Turkish Airlines Aircraft
                                                                                Panasonic  Avionics  Corporation’s
                                                                                (Panasonic)  advanced  eX1  inflight
                                                                                entertainment  and  communications
                                                                                (IFEC) system and Global Communications
                                                                                Services  have  been  chosen  by  Turkish
                                                                                Airlines for installation on 167 of its narrow
                                                                                body jetliners. “Our partnership with
          Safran to Acquire Zodiac Aerospace  generated by year three.  The expected   Turkish  Airlines  is  a  long  term,  strategic
          French aerospace leader, Safran has   implementation costs of Euro 150 million   relationship. We are thrilled to extend our
          announced that it will acquire Zodiac   will be spread over two years.Safran already   investment with both Turkish Airlines and
          Aerospace. Safran will launch a public   enjoys close commercial relationships   the Turkish economy, and we look forward
          tender offer on Zodiac Aerospace, which is   with aircraft manufacturers and  airlines,   to a close collaboration with them on the
          expected to be concluded in the 4th quarter   which is expected to further aid Zodiac   products and services that will support
          of this year.  The merger is expected to   Aerospace’s recovery in Seats and Cabins   them achieve their 2023 objectives,” said
          be  concluded  by  early  2018.  Safran  which   accelerated by integration with Safran and   Paul  Margis,  Chief  Executive  Officer  of
          has revenues worth approximately Euro   a strict  operational  focus on  Safran’s  key   Panasonic Avionics Corporation.  Turkish
          21 billion, said that the deal will deliver   programmes. Zodiac Aerospace has an   Airlines will offer state-of-the-art inflight
          major synergies.  An Annual €200m pre-  annual R&D budget of more than Euro 300   entertainment,  global  high-speed  Wi-Fi
          tax  run rate  cost  synergies  has already   million and has more than 4000 engineers   and live television services on 92 Airbus
          been identified with progressive ramp-  employed. Over 90 percent of its revenues   A321 NEOs-ACF, 65 Boeing 737 MAX 8s
          up; 50 percent in the first year and 90   are generated as a  Tier 1 supplier and it   and 10 Boeing 737 MAX 9s. Turkish Airlines
          percent in the second year, with full savings   enjoys #1 or #2 positions in its segments.   has the option to equip the last 45 aircraft
                                                                                with its own direct affiliate’s IFE system
                                                                                as part of the contract, pending line fit
                                             commercial aircraft overhaul at Hamburg,   offerability. “We needed a solution not only
                                             Lufthansa  Technik will offer aircraft    capable of providing a reliable system, but
                                             overhaul at its international locations in   also a truly immersive inflight experience
                                             Budapest, Sofia, Shannon, Malta, Puerto   to our passengers,” said M. İlker Aycı,
                                             Rico and Manila. Lufthansa  Technik also   Chairman of the Board and the Executive
                                             announced that discussions with its wage   Committee of Turkish Airlines. “With this
                                             accord partner, ver.di, had come to a close   additional support of Panasonic Avionics,
                                             without agreement. “Despite intensive   we will continue to offer the seamless
                                             negotiations regarding the essential accord   flight experience to our valued passengers.
          Lufthansa Technik to Close         cost reductions, the negotiating partners   The personalized interface designed for
          Hamburg Aircraft Overhaul          were unable to find a solution that would   an optimal viewing experience combined
          Lufthansa  Technik has announced that it   make  a  commercially  viable  continuation   with the industry’s largest library of games,
          will cease commercial aircraft overhaul   of Aircraft Overhaul in Hamburg possible,”   audio, and video is what made and eX1 a
          operations at its Hamburg  centre over   a company release informed. All affected   proper decision for our flag carrier in this
          the course of 2017. “Aircraft overhaul   employees will be offered suitable work   regard,” he added.  The eX1 solution is an
          in Hamburg has been  under significant   with Lufthansa Technik and there will be   advanced narrowbody IFE system and
          cost pressure for some time,” a company   no forced redundancies, the company has   will include Panasonic’s unique Passenger
          release  said.  Following  the  closure  of   announced.              Data Integration (PDI) service.

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