Page 83 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 83


        was the launch customer for the A320neo,   airline became the launch customer for the   25.9  million passengers in 2016, a growth
        but will now look to convert its orders to the   777X with orders for 25 airplanes (777-9Xs   of four percent over the corresponding
        A321neo, though the choice of engine is yet   and 777-8Xs) in November 2013 and has also   year.  The airline added 11 new jetliners
        to be made. The airline has also completed   placed orders for 71 787s, making it the single   in December 2016 alone; 4 B777-300ER
        a sale-and-leaseback agreement for six new   largest customer for the type. It presently has   equipped with the first-class suites, 3 A330-
        Airbus A350 twin-aisle jetliners, with aircraft   10 787-9s in service.  Etihad has also placed   300s, and 4 A320s. The carrier was also the
        lessor BOC Aviation. All six airplanes are   orders with Airbus for 40 A350-900s, ten   launch customer for the A330-300 Regional
        scheduled for delivery in 2017. Qatar Airways   A350-1000s,  one  A330-200F,  26  A321neo’s   and now has 10 of the type in service,
        Group also finished the 2016 fiscal year   and 10 A320neo’s. The airline will be one of   following delivery of the first airplane in
        with an operating profit of more than QAR 3   the first operators of the A350-1000. In 2008,   August 2016. Saudia had placed orders for
        billion, its best performance yet. In terms of   Etihad contracted Airbus for the delivery of   20 A330-300 Regional jetliners in 2015, that
        strategic partnerships, the airline raised its   20 A320s, 25 A350 XWBs and 10 Airbus A380   will be leased from leading Middle East
        stake to 20 per cent in British Airways’ parent   aircraft. Etihad’s present fleet comprises of   aircraft lessor International Air Finance
        company International Airlines Group (IAG).     115 passenger aircraft and 10 cargo airplanes.   Corporation (IAFC).  The new aircraft will
        It will also acquire up to 10 per cent of LATAM   Its deliveries in the future will comprise of   enhance Saudia’s seat capacity in the
        Airlines Group.                     62 A350s, 26 A320neos, 2 A380s, 61 787s,   domestic sector, where it carried 17 million
                                            25 777s, and an example each of an A330F   passengers in 2015. The A330-300 Regional
        Etihad Airways                      and 777F for a total of 178 airplanes. Sluggish   is optimised for missions up to 2,700 nm (5-
        Barely into its teens in terms of years of   market conditions however, could also mean   hour flight) covering short to medium haul
        operation, Etihad has grown at blazing speed   that Etihad could now enter a ‘troubled teens’   routes and has a reduced operational weight
        ever since its inception. In its first decade   period as it seeks to finance some of its large   of around 200 tons. The new type will deliver
        of operation, Etihad added 86 airplanes and   aircraft orders and downsize its workforce to   an overall cost reduction of approximately
        carried more than 11 million passengers over   cut costs.               20 percent compared with today’s long-
        97 routes and grew to an employee strength                              range A330-300s. An important aircraft for
        of 16,500. The airline has placed mega orders  Saudi Arabian Airlines   Saudia on its international routes will be the
        for widebody jetliners on multiple occasions   The national carrier of Saudi Arabia, Saudi   new Boeing 777-ER300s which commenced
        and in 2013 placed orders for 199 aircraft and   Arabian Airlines today has a fleet size of   operations in November, 2016. Capable of
        294  engines, in  a  deal valued  at catalogue   approximately 126 aircraft and plans to have   flights of up to 16 hours non-stop, the 777-
        prices to be worth US$67 billion dollars. The   200 airplanes in service by 2020. It carried   300ERs are in 290 seat configuration; First

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